we are all on our own unique journey 

and at every step of that journey … 

We need a different level of awareness. Why? Because we often get stuck in our own mindset, thinking the same thoughts and doing the same things over and over.

What would it mean to have someone guide YOU to a higher path?
Someone to help you embrace your inner magic? 
Help you complete your inner healing?
Bring your inner realm into balance and harmony?

There is an ageless and timeless wisdom available to you. Are you open to receiving it?




sheridan cooke

Medium, Intuitive Healer, and Reiki Master, Sheridan is able to communicate consciously with various ascended masters and archangels, who will work directly with you to attain a deep level of inner healing and help you to overcome any blockages that might be preventing you from feeling the joy and harmony your soul is seeking to offer. During your first session, one or more archangels will immediately surround you, bathing you in healing energy and sealing your auric field so that the magic can begin. Specific ascended masters will then come forward and identify themselves by name, addressing what they perceive to be areas where slight improvements can be made. 

An active dialogue with your inner archetypal realm often follows, bringing imbalances that currently exist into your conscious awareness.

As El Morya has often said, “There is no reason to fear and no fear to reason,” to which Maitreya is adding, “Are you willing to surrender your obstacles to love? Are you ready to find out what they might be? Perhaps it is time to answer the questions and question the answers.”

If you’re ready for a transformative healing experience that will help you to face and overcome the obstacles and challenges you’ve been facing in your life, the ascended masters and archangels are available to meet you wherever you are on your journey. They’ll gently and lovingly guide you to transcend your current frame of mind and step into your soul’s highest truth, allowing you to feel more peaceful, self-loving, and empowered.

If you’ve been feeling out of touch with your inner child or are in need of spiritual guidance, then you haven’t stumbled onto this page by accident. You’re ready to experience the soul’s freedom and start creating Heaven on Earth.

sheridan cooke

Medium, Intuitive Healer, and Reiki Master, Sheridan is able to communicate consciously with various ascended masters and archangels, who will work directly with you to attain a deep level of inner healing and help you to overcome any blockages that might be preventing you from feeling the joy and harmony your soul is seeking to offer. During your first session, one or more archangels will immediately surround you, bathing you in healing energy and sealing your auric field so that the magic can begin. Specific ascended masters will then come forward and identify themselves by name, addressing what they perceive to be areas where slight improvements can be made. 

An active dialogue with your inner archetypal realm often follows, bringing imbalances that currently exist into your conscious awareness.

As El Morya has often said, “There is no reason to fear and no fear to reason,” to which Maitreya is adding, “Are you willing to surrender your obstacles to love? Are you ready to find out what they might be? Perhaps it is time to answer the questions and question the answers.”

If you’re ready for a transformative healing experience that will help you to face and overcome the obstacles and challenges you’ve been facing in your life, the ascended masters and archangels are available to meet you wherever you are on your journey. They’ll gently and lovingly guide you to transcend your current frame of mind and step into your soul’s highest truth, allowing you to feel more peaceful, self-loving, and empowered.

If you’ve been feeling out of touch with your inner child or are in need of spiritual guidance, then you haven’t stumbled onto this page by accident. You’re ready to experience the soul’s freedom and start creating Heaven on Earth.


Sheridan has been channeling messages intended to invoke deep healing and rebalance inner archetypes since September 2001. She works mainly with the High Council, Archangels, and the Elohim. From time to time, she also receives messages from other elevated light beings, such as the Pleiadians and Andromeda, and will often receive messages directly from a person’s inner child or an archetype seeking to reintegrate the soul’s Light more fully. 

The focus of Sheridan’s work is to help you develop your own inner map to freedom. Awakening to a new level of self-mastery and soul connection is meant to be a gradual process… to unfold at a pace most comfortable to you. With deep respect and a non-denominational open-mindedness Sheridan and her guides are here to help you tap into your inner wisdom and integrate your soul’s love into your life. 


Book a Virtual Session via Zoom or Phone

Sessions are available for 30 – 60 – 90 minutes

$60 – 30 minutes
$120 – 60 minutes
$180 – 90 minutes

* Book 3 – 60 minute sessions and receive a BONUS 30 minute session (+ receive Sheridan’s signature tools)

the book

a tryst of faith – coming soon

Maya Angelou once said, “I can be changed by what happens to me—I refuse to be reduced by it.” Adversity will teach us who we are, if we allow it to. Ignoring our inner voice can keep us stuck in the past, repeating old, self-destructive habits. Learning how to listen to this voice holds the keys to freedom.

Sometimes, the soul will guide man to encounter great darkness in order to find out how much light he has inside.  

Woven between messages channeled from Ascended Masters, who are members of the Council of the Great White Brotherhood, is a story about a woman’s spiritual awakening. The term “Great White Brotherhood” is defined in Dr. Doreen Virtue’s book, Archangels & Ascended Masters, as, “Leaders in Heaven who oversee the safety and spiritual direction of Earth and her inhabitants, and also the light workers who help upon Earth. The term does not refer to Caucasian males. It comes from the white light that surrounds members of the council, which includes goddesses.”

During an experience of Divine intervention, the woman is urged to leave an emotionally destructive relationship, following which she meets an Ascended Master named Melchior, a fool, a sage, and a young girl, along with other members of the Council. Throughout their journey, the woman begins to understand how her misperceptions of love affected her self-awareness and choices in love, and how the challenges she faced assisted in her growth.

A Tryst of Faith is an enlightening and thought-provoking story that will challenge the reader to reconsider areas in which outmoded patterns and definitions of love—and God—run counter to man’s awareness of himself, and how reigniting his inner flame will provide him with the keys to finding his way home.

Sometimes, a tryst of faith is all it takes to find them.

the book

a tryst of faith – coming soon

Maya Angelou once said, “I can be changed by what happens to me—I refuse to be reduced by it.” Adversity will teach us who we are, if we allow it to. Ignoring our inner voice can keep us stuck in the past, repeating old, self-destructive habits. Learning how to listen to this voice holds the keys to freedom.

Sometimes, the soul will guide man to encounter great darkness in order to find out how much light he has inside.  

Woven between messages channeled from Ascended Masters, who are members of the Council of the Great White Brotherhood, is a story about a woman’s spiritual awakening. The term “Great White Brotherhood” is defined in Dr. Doreen Virtue’s book, Archangels & Ascended Masters, as, “Leaders in Heaven who oversee the safety and spiritual direction of Earth and her inhabitants, and also the light workers who help upon Earth. The term does not refer to Caucasian males. It comes from the white light that surrounds members of the council, which includes goddesses.”

During an experience of Divine intervention, the woman is urged to leave an emotionally destructive relationship, following which she meets an Ascended Master named Melchior, a fool, a sage, and a young girl, along with other members of the Council. Throughout their journey, the woman begins to understand how her misperceptions of love affected her self-awareness and choices in love, and how the challenges she faced assisted in her growth.

A Tryst of Faith is an enlightening and thought-provoking story that will challenge the reader to reconsider areas in which outmoded patterns and definitions of love—and God—run counter to man’s awareness of himself, and how reigniting his inner flame will provide him with the keys to finding his way home.

Sometimes, a tryst of faith is all it takes to find them.

latest blog posts

sheridan’s story

When I was about five years old, my paternal grandmother sat me down at her kitchen table and taught me how to draw a daisy. Her drawing was crude yet deliberate, and it was as though I was meant to pay attention to every single detail. My family was torn apart when my parents divorced when I was twelve. My mother often referred to my father’s side of the family as the “Other Side,” and there seemed to be an unspoken rule that I wasn’t allowed to cross it. Years passed with nothing but silence. As I’ve often said, though, “Only in silence will you hear the echo of your heart’s longing.”…


By the time my marriage ended in 1999, my grandmother had already been gone for close to twelve years. It had already been 19 years since my father died when I was sixteen. That was the last time I saw her. When I read about her death in the newspaper, my heart broke. My name didn’t appear in the obituary. In the decade that followed, both of them made their presence known in my dreams many times, often appearing together. I was comforted by the knowingness that they were both okay.

For the most part, I don’t recall my childhood as being particularly happy, with the exception of spending time with my paternal grandmother before my parents divorced. I struggled with going from being told that I was my grandmother’s “favourite” to suddenly feeling like a ghost in the shattered remains of my family. I was bullied and made fun of a lot throughout elementary and junior high, deepening a feeling of unworthiness that catapulted me into bouts of depression that I struggled with, off and on, for years. The apple hadn’t fallen very far from the tree, as far as my mother was concerned. Nothing I did seemed to assuage my mother’s moods, and I periodically felt like I was “dancing on knives,” trying to please her, to no avail. As El Morya would later tell me, “In order to know a veil, you need to be able to see your way through it.”

In “Anthem,” Leonard Cohen’s sang, “Forget your perfect offering … there is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in. We asked for signs. The signs were sent.” 

Growing up, disappointment was far more reliable than happiness, and my internal dial of self-worth was set so low that there was no possible way the “truth” of my unworthiness could be altered; that is, until I became involved in a long-distance relationship which officially started shortly after my marriage ended. The moment we met online, I knew in my heart that my life would never be the same. I felt more connected to him than I had ever felt to anyone. I would sense his cologne or see his phone number flash before my third eye, and then I would hear from him a few moments later. I could tell when he was sick without actually speaking to him. Our relationship grew intermittent and somewhat tumultuous, but I had already grown up placating my mother’s moods, so maneuvering through the rocky terrain of our relationship seemed “normal” to me. His periodic bouts of depression mirrored my own, sparking me to tap into a well of inspiration that I didn’t know I had. I rode out the lows of our relationship because I had become addicted to the highs, which were few and far between.

Things started to fall apart shortly after we met in person. Convinced that he was my “soul mate,” I refused to believe it when things began disintegrating mere weeks after our first blissful interlude at Buffalo Mountain Lodge near Banff, Alberta. A few months after we met, I visited my father and grandmother’s gravesite and pleaded for help. Seconds later, two sparrows flew close to the ground on either side of me. When I turned around, they were gone. On the way home, I couldn’t shake the feeling that their presence had been replaced with two enormous archangels. (El Morya would later tell me they were Archangels Michael and Metatron.) 

Daisies began appearing at the most peculiar times, the most synchronistic experience being on August 17, 1999, when I returned to Buffalo Mountain Lodge to work through an emotionally challenging period in the relationship. While I was composing a postcard and having coffee in the restaurant, the waiter who had been serving me suddenly stopped on his way back to my table and returned to the kitchen. When he reappeared, he was holding one hand behind his back. As he handed me a single daisy, he said, “I don’t know why, but I’m supposed to give this to you.” I asked him to take my photo to commemorate the occasion.

A year later, I joined a women’s circle and met a woman who happened to be a medium. During the first of a small handful of visits, she mentioned that she could see my paternal grandmother, who was referring to me by a nickname that only she and my grandfather used. One afternoon, my new friend slumped over mid-sentence and then sat completely upright. The next words that came out of her mouth were, “You haven’t learned the lessons you are meant to learn. You can either choose to repeat them or move on.” I was then told, “Great gifts will be bestowed upon you” when I left the relationship. Leaving was the last thing on my mind.

One of the women in the circle had given me a book about communicating with angels, I experimented with automatic writing toward the tail end of studying for my certification in Neurolinguistic Programming, and obtaining my Masters in Reiki, both of which seemed to be natural offshoots of the relationship. I read “Divine Guidance” by Dr. Doreen Virtue, and felt an intuitive pull toward experimenting with automatic writing. My first attempt yielded a low energy being who identified himself by name and went on to taunt me with insults and a prediction that actually came true. Remembering the extremely unsettling messages I received when the medium and I experimented with a Ouija board, I decided not to “merge energies” with the negative, prickly feeling that accompanied the message. 

Just before I went to bed the day after 9-11, I felt a strange feeling in my right hand, so I grabbed the nearest pen and sat down on my sofa with a few sheets of paper and my writing pad. The instant I set my hand on the paper, someone else took over, and the first words that appeared were, “If you don’t leave him, you will die.” Our conversation occurred telepathically, and every question I asked was answered by hand. He identified himself as Melchizedek and told me he was my guardian angel. (I would later learn that he is an archangel.) After a few minutes, he asked me if I had any further questions and I said no. The handwriting instantly changed and my paternal grandmother came forward. She told me how much she missed me and mentioned that she had messages for my mother. I then asked, “How do I know it’s you?” and my hand immediately started drawing a daisy.

I continued experimenting with automatic writing and Melchizedek later told me that they knew I wanted to write a book and that they would help me, but that it wouldn’t be what I anticipated. A Tryst of Faith was then transcribed over the course of a few years. The book contains 34 chapters, which could now be easily transcribed in just over one month.

Over the years, Maitreya and a number of others have come through on a daily basis. It’s hard to imagine what my life would be like, had Melchizedek and my paternal grandmother not intervened.

Shining a light on the darkness I held inside was no easy feat, and it took a long time before I realized that I was more afraid of the light than I was of the darkness I had grown so accustomed to. But then, every petal of every flower has meaning, and when our darkness is brought into the light, freedom most assuredly follows. Just ask my inner child.


“As an abuse survivor, I’ve suffered from addiction and depression throughout my entire adult life.  I was running on empty but didn’t even realize it, and simply thought that was the way things would always be. My first reading in the summer of 2019 triggered my journey down the path of healing and spiritual awakening. 

Sheridan immediately put me at ease and made me feel safe to open up.  Having been through a traumatic childhood and many hardships herself, she could empathize with what I was going through.  Not only is she able to channel messages from Archangels and Ascended Masters, she has also channeled messages from my inner archetypes, releasing old wounds they were holding onto and allowing rebalancing to occur. 

 Through Sheridan’s unwavering support and the compassionate and invaluable guidance I’ve received—particularly from El Morya, whose wit, sense of humour, and ability to “call a spade a spade” I truly adore—my life has been dramatically altered for the better. I never imagined all the positive changes that would take place from that point onward. While each day brings new challenges, I no longer try to run away from my feelings. I am eternally grateful and look forward to what the future brings.  THANK YOU!!!”

Julie Ludwig

“I have had the privilege of knowing Sheridan for many years, both personally and professionally, and have been the grateful recipient of many spontaneous channeling sessions.  Sheridan’s calm demeanor, encouragement, and guidance have helped me through many trying periods in my life, including a very painful divorce.  

Most recently, Sheridan channeled my father (who passed before I had any memory of him), as well as my maternal and paternal grandmothers.  I have been overwhelmed with joy from this experience—it has touched me to the core and changed my life. 

Sheridan has helped me become a calmer, happier version of myself and I would encourage you to seek her out as she truly has a gift to share.”

~ Angie F.

get in touch

Calgary, AB

Ready to book a session with Sheridan? Questions about working with her? Please connect with Sheridan via the form below. 

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