Today is an extremely important day, as far as humanity’s consciousness and spiritual advancement is concerned. Allow your soul’s light to envelop you. Following is a transcription of an archetypal conversation with Andromeda to inspire you.


“Okay, let’s get moving,” the wind said, opening up a portal.

“To where next?” the young girl asked.

“You mean ‘where to next?’” corrected the cynic.

“Either way,” the wind.

“But moving backward doesn’t make any sense,” the cynic said.

“My thoughts precisely,” Andromeda concurred.

“I agree, too,” said the fool.

“Is there anyone we left out?” the cynic asked.

“Me,” the shadow girl said as she stepped forward and handed the woman an enormous red balloon. “I noticed that a friend recently allowed you to bridge her inner awareness. Everything changes when that happens.”

“Shadow work is necessary, but it needn’t be as laborious as people think,” the woman stated.

“It’s still important,” remarked the young girl, as she stood beside the shadow girl and allowed their energies to merge.

“Use caution when merging your energies with the darkness in others. You are meant to shine a light and allow them to make the choice to stay in darkness or integrate the soul’s light within themselves,” Andromeda recommended. “There will never be a more important day in this entire decade than today for humans to merge with their soul’s light. As the 11:11:11 frequencies encircle the Earth, so let today be your day to shine as brightly as you are able. The portal will remain stable for as long as necessary. Please make as conscious of an effort as possible to bridge the spectrum between your darkness and your light. There is nothing you need to hide. Allow your heart and mind to come into alignment with the harmonizing frequencies of your soul’s energy. Everything will begin to shift when you do.”


Channeled 2018/11/11
