A number of quotes come to mind when I think of all that El Morya has taught me over the years. The one that leapt to mind today is by Anaïs Nin:

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.

I hope El Morya’s message today gives you the courage to expand your life, no matter how much darkness you’ve encountered.


“No further words are needed at this time” is often said at the end of our scribe’s morning channeling sessions to signify that her ritual of connecting with our realm and transcribing our words has ended.

It is not our intention to claw at the past teachings circulated by humanity and find holes and flaws in the transcriptions that were copied from scribe to scribe from the earliest days of the written word being delivered on assorted forms of paper, then papyrus. (Many have been grossly misinterpreted, not to mention savagely torn apart and reassembled with a number of important and valuable pieces missing, particularly as they pertain to the exclusion of the Divine Feminine in many of those teachings.) It is, however, our intention to point out the areas where clarification is needed. This is performed during morning sessions, and also during private channeling sessions, which occasionally occur when a person least expects them to happen.

It takes very little time for our scribe to determine who is on the other end of the pen, so to speak, and just as our scribe knows that El Morya has a certain distinctive personality, so do some of us require identification because we come through only occasionally. I am El Morya, of course, and I have a distinctive personality because that’s the authentic “me,” and as our scribe’s friend Julie can attest (as well as another friend who received an unsolicited letter from me as a belated birthday present would concur), a single channeling session with a member from our realm can alter the course of a person’s life. This session is meant to do just that, too.

Now, I know what you must be thinking. Why would an “ascended master” (as we’re known) speak so casually to me? As I mentioned in the private letter, I am fond of modern colloquialisms and have adapted my manner of speech so you don’t feel a disconnection between what you think will be said and what I might actually surprise you and tell you.

Let’s dial this down a little. If you close your eyes and hum a little tune, chances are you might find yourself singing something as simple as “Twinkle, twinkle, little star” when you’re feeling your inner child wants to come out to play.

“Play is overrated,” some might say, and I suppose that would also depend on how you define the word. “Play” could also mean driving around to assorted neighbourhoods, dreaming about the next place you want to live, and dragging a lively companion along for the ride. Well, I suppose the correct term isn’t “dragging,” especially when the willing accomplice is more than supportive of a new adventure or two.

Some of you have thought we would “give you shit” for doing this or doing that. I suppose we could tell you that some of your choices were slightly misguided, but you are also meant to learn specific lessons without the assistance of the Godhead. This is a term I seldom use, for it denotes an artificial hierarchy that can barely be described with the written word, much less a diagram that places men and women at the same level on the ground and points to the highest of heights that they are meant to reach on a spiritual level. Now I suppose I could also include where we sit, which is somewhere in between. Much like our scribe, we are intermediaries to the highest realms. This is not to say that our scribe is an ascended master, because she most certainly isn’t. She sits somewhere between what is termed a “Chela” (which is a spiritual aspirant) and an “Adept” (which could easily be defined as Avatar in training).

I hope you understand that being new to what is often termed “the spiritual path” does not mean that you’re ill-equipped to handle life’s challenges, for you have tackled many challenges over multiple lifetimes, and I hope you don’t find it insulting to point out the flaw in much of humanity’s thinking that points to the concept of having only one life. As many know, “one life” is defined on a soul level as “a multitude of existences chosen by the Godhead and the levels below to gain experience after experience to add to what El Morya commonly refers to as one’s ‘repertoire of acknowledgment.’” Suffice it to say that our scribe’s repertoire of acknowledgment might be a bit broader and deeper because of her involvement with our realm, but that is only because we have pointed to areas within her own inner realm that have also been in need of clarification and recalibration.

If you were to imagine a well that appeared abandoned and call into it in the hopes of hearing an echo, chances are you most definitely would. While that might frighten one or two (or more, if they’re honest with themselves), it could also be said that the echo is your own inner voice when you attempt to reach what would be deemed “rock bottom.” Wells can only go so deep—and they will—before the digger finds what he or she has been looking for. You cannot and will not go any deeper than you are meant to go when you embark upon spiritual healing work, as it could be termed.

Some of you are afraid of the dark. This is understandable, if you were taught to believe that monsters dwell in hidden caves that angels wouldn’t dare to enter. I have to admit this is somewhat preposterous, because angels already know what’s there, and they might very well have been the ones who have drawn you into them so you can accept that the deeper you dare to explore, the more you’ll begin to understand “what’s is what,” as our scribe’s paternal grandfather used to say during his most recent lifetime.

For those of you who don’t know the brief story I am about to tell you, I appreciate your attention. For those of you who have heard it before, I would like to thank you for indulging me one last time, for I am never going to tell this story again, which our scribe has already seen in her third eye.

Imagine your intuition was calling you to visit an elderly grandparent and you followed it. Let’s flip the story midstride and imagine that you were sound asleep when he or she arrived, but your grandchild waited because her intuition had yet to lead her astray. Now, imagine that when you opened your eyes, you saw the love of your life who had long since crossed over appearing beside your grandchild so clearly that you could swear there was no way your eyes would be deceiving you. This happened to our scribe, and her grandmother was the one who appeared directly beside her. I poked in to hear her grandfather say, “Kay, you’ve come,” when he called out to his beloved, and I was delighted to watch a reunion that was fifteen years in the making. Just over three years earlier, this same grandmother also nudged a waiter at Buffalo Mountain Lodge to return to the kitchen and pick up a single daisy to give to our scribe, who was writing to the man she and Melchizedek would plead her granddaughter to leave a little over two years later.

How much heartache do you think a departed loved one could bear to watch without trying to give you a sign that you were being taken care of, even though you might not understand it clearly until someone tries to explain to you that the lesson you were learning remained on your spiritual curriculum because you hadn’t quite learned it the last time it was presented?

You might think me daft for trying to explain this now, but our scribe’s insistence to stay in an emotionally destructive relationship was her soul’s gift to her. “[Insert tongue in cheek here],” I could ask our scribe to transcribe (which I, of course, just did), but I can tell you right here and right now that there’s no way in Heaven or Hell (as many determine the levels of spiritual clarity to be) that you would be reading this if her paternal grandmother hadn’t been such a strong role model during our scribe’s childhood. If you want to define her as “fierce,” that would be an accurate assessment, and I suppose I could say that this fierceness was laid into the ancestral line, just like the silver cord is attached to the human body while an incarnation is being experienced. When the soul has determined that sufficient lessons have been learned (some of which are very, very brief, much to the pain and disappointment of those who have lost infants or children at any age who have yet to step into their true selves or matured to the level that the most loving of parent would solemnly wish upon his or her child), the silver cord is withdrawn and the body is returned to the Earth (you can insert a preferred burial plan here if you desire) and the soul then returns to our realm, where the reintegration process begins, once again. A life review is then scheduled and you objectively review your past incarnation, keeping track of areas that required improvement and karmic debts that have yet to be paid. You store these on your own. While you are absolved of your “sins” (such as they are defined and witnessed during your life review), you are in no way absolved from rebalancing the scales of karma. “This is not how ‘mean girls’ behave,” I could point out when a shocking incident is magnified so you could see the damage that was inflicted by bullying another, to which you might reply, “Duh, El Morya, that’s exactly how mean girls would behave!” to which I could counter, “That isn’t how your soul would like you to behave.”

You might think I’m going to stop there, but please indulge me for another moment. Our scribe was bullied multiple times throughout her formative years at school, and the friend who received an unsolicited letter from me yesterday determined a number of years ago that it was important to point to our scribe’s survival and deep inner resilience when teaching her junior high students about how important it is to take bullying and toss it into the garbage heap. Those aren’t the words this friend has used, of course, but I hope you understand the importance of the lesson I am attempting to teach.

Bullying, neglect, rejection, and abandonment are simply experiences. Some are “karmic paybacks,” as they could be termed. (Think back to what the soul willingly chose to hold onto until the right time for the rebalancing to be set into motion, and we’ll be right where I began with the brief story—or, rather, where I left off.)

Our scribe’s paternal grandmother was the one who nudged her granddaughter to visit the love of her life, too, for that evening marked the moment when his silver cord was delicately and gently removed from his close to 100-year old body so he could finally return to the place where he felt the peace and comfort that defied description. Suffice it to say that their reunion was majestic and sweet, for a tunnel was travelled together and the bright light more immense and intense than any light bulb you could possibly install in your home welcomed them into the greeting place where all those who were told of our scribe’s grandfather’s return were waiting, including our scribe’s birth father, whose soul disconnected his own silver cord when our scribe was the tender age of sixteen. A lot has happened over the last forty years, and the anniversary of May 9 (which is when her birth father “died”) often passes with more than just a tinge of regret for not immediately following through on the desire to visit with him again before he crossed over. His death was not anticipated to occur quite as quickly as it did, and it can take a long time to heal deep inner remorse when that same father did not provide the loving, consistent support that many women and men received during their respective childhoods.

Let me start with another story now, and this one is equally brief.

Our scribe sat with me during the initial stages of transcribing A Tryst of Faith and listened to a conversation that took place between a sage and a fool, which then led into a recording being listened to.

A Tryst of Faith (which will be self-published by Balbo Press a little later on this year after the final edits are provided) is not your average book. As many of you already know, we asked her to transcribe it word for word over the course of a number of months, finishing shortly before our scribe’s mother took her own life. Additional edits were provided when required, as a number of lessons needed to be brought to fruition so that her own karmic scales could be balanced to the point where she could stand in her soul’s Light and not cower at the exposure so many anticipate feeling.

Freedom is experienced when burdens are lifted and released.

Death could also be defined as the experience of having all physical burdens similarly lifted and released.

There are instances where suicide is deemed a “mercy killing” when a conscious decision to end one’s life is made by someone who was either facing a terminal illness certain to cause excruciating pain (or who had already experienced more pain than the human body would normally tolerate) and is set into motion with the assistance of someone who is compassionate enough to bring this desire to fruition. Do men and women not also assist their beloved pets in crossing the “rainbow bridge”(as it is termed) when they are clearly in pain?

For the love of all those who are left behind after the death of a sibling through suicide (or a parent, for that matter), I can promise you that they were in no means shunned from Heaven, as so many have proselytized.

Now I’m going to wind back to the very beginning, because I’m sure you’ve had enough of me prattling on today. When our scribe’s mother was lying in a coma, we asked to provide her with what are termed “last rights,” and I can tell you without embellishing any truth or telling a single lie that the words, “All is forgiven” were repeatedly given at the outset. She was first greeted by her own mother, who also took her own life when her bi-polar disorder left her feeling as though she could not survive another single day.

Do you think we would abandon you in your hour of need? Far from it. We are right there beside you, if you would only stop to listen and hear us, sense us through the gift of clairsentience, or see brief glimpse of us through your third eye. Clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognizance, and clairvoyance are intuitive gifts instilled within the silver cord to a lesser or greater degree, depending on what your soul agreed to prior to your body being created. This is not done to drag you along, for you chose to be here on your own. Your life force energy is maintained because this spiritual umbilical cord is provided. Your intuition is meant to be a companion and ally, and even if it seems as though you are left to fend for yourself from time to time, it is because you are meant to tap into your repertoire of acknowledgment and retrieve the tools that are already there or seek to find the tools you need to add to it.

This life is your choice. You are here because of your own free will. You are never, ever alone, even if you declare yourself better off alone than with anyone else. You need yourself, which is obvious. You need your Higher Self, too.

Now do you understand the diagram I mentioned earlier? Isn’t it easy to imagine tapping into your Higher Self and requesting a helping hand or two? This is why I’m here today: to lend a helping hand.

Please cut yourselves some slack, Dear Ones, and I mean that with more light and love than I can articulate here. You are humans learning some seriously heavy stuff. I’m not gonna lie: some of it can truly suck while you’re living through it. I’m not going to sit here and tell you that everything is going to be all sunshine, butterflies, and rainbows, either before and during your upcoming life review, but if you want to get a bit of a head start and clear your karmic scales before you weigh them down with forgiveness that has yet to be granted to those in need of it, I can assure you that your life will be infinitely easier when you do—or at least sufficiently easy enough to tolerate encounters with those who have yet to use their spiritual chops wisely because they’re still biting down on harmful words that they’ve regretted, even though they have not yet uttered the words, “I’m sorry.”

Don’t weigh yourself down because of someone else’s insecurity or insensitivity. You are entitled to feel secure and sensitive, both within and without.

Forgive yourselves now. Forgive others who have yet to earn it, even if your ego hasn’t caught up to the soul-oriented recommendation. Do it for yourself. Do it for the future, as well as the past, for there is only one way toward the Light, and that is to embrace it within, even if you don’t know how to deal with all the monsters you might think are waiting for you. I can promise you that your soul has never rejected or abandoned you. Perhaps it’s time to remind yourself that rejecting and abandoning yourself has been a complete, utter, and colossal waste of time—or has it? Perhaps you were meant to get to this point and declare, “Now I get it! My soul has been right there beside me all along.”

And so it is.

I Am El Morya.

No further words are needed at this time, except for the following:

Eternal Child of the Light, be ever strong when darkness surrounds you, for your soul is faithful and will always seek to illuminate a path to freedom.

We encourage you to follow.

~ Channeled February 9, 2020