Archangel Haniel came through this morning with a Valentine’s Day message. I hope it inspires you to embrace—and spread—love.



While today is perceived by millions as a commercial holiday, the soul is attuned to the frequency of love that is consciously magnified throughout the world. Let this energy carry you forward. Let those whose hearts seek to be aligned with the soul’s love trust in the knowing that, regardless of your relationship status, you are willingly embraced by the soul at all times.

“Don’t overdo it, just act,” the soul could say, thinking that you might listen to the prompting to express your love to another, without fear of it being unrequited. And yet, if love is quiet—or unspoken—many misperceptions can be made, especially by those who are innately in fear of love. Many are in fear of the soul’s love, as well. It is time for those fears—and the barriers between the soul and heart—to be released. It is time for the heart to be witnessed. It is time for the heart to be heard and seen and known and acknowledged as being the gateway for the soul’s energies to be aligned.

Embrace this day for the beauty that it contains. Let your love be witnessed by another, regardless of how afraid you might be. It might be just the elixir that his or her heart needs to feel nourished.

You are watched over at all times. Call upon us for our help in releasing your fears of being loved. Your heart will thank you, as will your soul.

Be Love, Dear Ones. Embrace this day for the beauty that it contains. While I am repeating this statement, it is only because I would like the next statement to be heard equally clearly:

Let your love be witnessed by another, regardless of how afraid you might be. It might be just the elixir that his or her heart needs to feel nourished.

Be well … and be a well for love today. Open your heart to the beauty that the soul knows exists within. Allow the world to feel this love radiating outwardly. One by one, those who have been in fear of love will learn how to teach others to release that same fear.

Let today’s energy carry you forward and hold onto the knowing that the archangels are willingly accepting the cries for love that so many of you have been calling out for. There is no need to be in fear of the soul’s love, Dear Ones. The same holds true for the love we are willingly extending in return.

Were you to view your heart from your soul’s perspective, you would zero in—like cupid’s arrow—to all the illusions you have been holding onto. Let any regret or sorrow or pain that you might be holding onto be removed, for they are merely illusions.

Allow your heart to feel the freedom the soul knows as truth.


On behalf of the Archangels,

I am Archangel Haniel