Following is a message from Mother Mary, which serves as an introduction to a message from Sananda, whom many know as Jesus. I hope it brings you peace and comfort this holiday season.


With a view to opening up an intimate dialogue with those who have taken the time to review our messages, our scribe has been requested to post the message appearing directly below. It is from my son who, as I’m sure many of you know, went by both Jesus and Jeshua during the lifetime in which he ascended.

It was a challenging time for all of us, back then. It was also a politically and religiously difficult time, as has always been the case during major turning points in humanity’s history. I did not come here to admonish those of you who have read our messages and not shared them, and it might well be that a simple message from me is all that some might desire. And so here I am. I am with Mary Magdalene, who stood by my side more times than I could even begin to count. I suppose, of course, that I could count them, but sharing my son’s message is more important to both of us. So, if the subject line of “A promise is a promise” is enough to entice you, I would first like you to remember that my son did make a promise that he would return.

I know some of you are disappointed that he hasn’t come as a replacement for some of the religious leaders wandering the Earth who are still focusing on the old ways that divided humanity more than brought them together. It is our collective hope that Sananda’s message achieves that goal. I don’t normally refer to him as “Sananda.” Deep down, I see the Light within him and the joy and playfulness that stayed with him throughout his entire life. Remember that things are often far different than how the news reports portray them to be, and that, deep down, there is a Light within you, as well as joy and playfulness that might have taken a back seat, particularly in light of all the political events within North America alone that are dividing humanity even further. Please, please, please remember what my son came here to teach. Remember the goals shared by those who went before him and came after him, sharing an undercurrent of peace and tranquility combined with strength and justice, and know, deep down, that every flower will struggle for a time before it allows the grace and peace of the Light’s strength to coax it from its safety within the Earth.

You are not here to point fingers at each other and declare your neighbours “wrong” for not believing in the same God that you were taught to believe. In Buddhism, the term is replaced with other terms that have the same intrinsic meaning, and some could argue that Buddhists are likened to Atheists. Remove your fingers and toes from your body, and you would begin to wonder how you could manage. From the soul’s perspective, you would still be whole. You exist beyond your body and you exist because your soul chose to occupy a body so it could broaden and deepen its awareness of Source, God, or All That Is, depending on which term you prefer. That stated, it is worthwhile to remember that slashing a tire will require the replacement of more than just the outer shell, and if you slash a human life on any level, whether metaphorically or physically, there are areas within that will be resistant to healing.

Don’t think for a moment that I don’t understand the human condition. I have been watching over humanity for many centuries, together with the brotherhood and sisterhood of Light, which goes by a few names, including the High Council, the Council of the Great White Brotherhood, and even “the Council” by those who are familiar with the messages shared by the late Sylvia Browne. Her guide, Francine, was with her, and some were able to clairvoyantly view her while Sylvia performed. She wasn’t right about everything. She portrayed Maitreya as the Anti-Christ, and some will continue to be convinced that he is as close to the Devil as they come. That is a complete lie. As I came to understand and accept, Jeshua developed a telepathic relationship with Maitreya throughout his adult life, brief that it was, and his wise counsel is heard by many throughout the world, our scribe included. The late Benjamin Crème published a number of books containing messages from Maitreya before he left his physical body behind. Research his name and stand back for a moment. Do you believe an old man simply because he was a man more than you would come to believe that our messages and the ones Maitreya wishes to share are less valid because the scribe is a woman who is neither religious nor politically inclined? Wouldn’t you rather listen to someone who isn’t slanted either way, but who is willing to stand in the middle and observe a spectrum beyond what many term “mainstream,” particularly if the river of Life, such that it is, can extend far beyond a limited pond that has grown clogged and full of darkness that needs to be released before the soul’s Light can finally be allowed to take the place of all the conflict and disparity—and downright rage—that so many are feeling because they feel that God, however defined, has left them behind? This is a long statement and an even longer question to answer; yet, you are here to answer questions and question answers, and even challenge yourselves to look beyond what you were taught to believe.

“Ye are gods,” my son would say.

Remember that today. Remember the words that have been repeated from time to time which are best understood through the lens of someone who is willing to take a risk and share our words, in spite of the disappointment that is often felt when our wishes are not brought to fruition in the manner in which we had intended.

A catalyst can only do so much, but I’m sure many of you can think about a pivotal turning point that altered the direction your life was taking. Imagine being a young girl and having the repeated dream of attending a funeral and knowing that each and every version of you was in complete attendance, waiting in line to receive Holy Communion. Communion is often served at funerals, and the inner knowing that something traumatic would happen when our scribe turned 35 sat in a back drawer within, until a catalyst occurred to bring this drawer to the forefront.

What would you do if you received Divine Intervention, not once, but a handful of times? What if you learned to communicate with the Other Side and you discovered this turning point was exactly what your soul had desired so you could take your collective life experiences and manoeuvre through the aftermath of a failed marriage and the relationship that followed, not to mention a brief interlude that awakened the catalyst? What if you were told to write a book that chronicled your healing journey? What if your life purpose would not have been discovered, had you not been bullied and traumatized when you were a young girl?

I often told myself when I was growing up that nothing terribly exciting was ever going to happen to me. My life was sheltered and I was pupiled by advanced teachers who stretched my imagination and my awareness of the world around me. When I received Archangel Gabriel’s messages, I knew that the “virgin purity” of the sacred world around me didn’t define me as a grown woman. It called me to take action, and when I brought my son into the world, I did so without all the fanfare that many imagine. Yet, El Morya did attend shortly afterward as Melchior, and while I could tell you that his presence was a bit of a surprise, what struck me more was his intuitive guidance. His wisdom was shared with our scribe in the long-awaited book that has been built up more than it has been revealed. That will soon change, and you will come to understand how important A Tryst of Faith is meant to be. In the interim, my son’s message could be thought of as a prologue of sorts, and while no archetypal characters have been included in the message who are in need of healing, perhaps your inner child knows, deep down, that those who bring Light are here to transform the world. That was my son’s mission from the very beginning, and it is why I came here today to share this brief introduction.

I taught my son the importance of keeping a promise.

Look ahead. What did you see right in front of you before your eyes began to change their focus? What did it take for you to return? Did it take strength and will, perseverance and fortitude, or simply the willingness to surrender to the soul’s Light and enjoy a moment with our realm? I am not alone, I can assure you. We stand united and provide our blessings to all of you, regardless of your religious and political persuasions, not to mention your sexual preference. The soul has none of these; yet, it encompasses the awareness of All That Is, to varying degrees. The more you seek to advance your awareness, the further along your soul will be able to ascend. To that end, you are the catalyst for your soul’s advancement, as well. Please utilize this union to your best advantage.

Remember that the truth will set you free. Please be willing to redefine what you define the truth to be.

I Am known as the Divine Mother. My friends called me “Mary.” Jeshua referred to me as “Mother” when we spoke to each other in Aramaic. The soul is multilingual. Please don’t think for a moment that I would speak to you in such a way that my words would be difficult to understand and trust that my son’s message is meant to shift the course of your life. This, in and of itself, could be termed “Divine Intervention.” If it happened to our scribe, please consider this “paying it forward,” so to speak, and don’t forget the wonder of your inner child, who might be in dire need of something to look forward to.

We are sending our love as well as our gratitude for your patience and time. Please allow these words the patience and time that they are worthy of, and allow yourself the gift of time to surrender to the Love my son is seeking to give.

Be well, Dear Ones. We are with you always.



I have asked this to be shared on Christmas Eve Day as our gift to you in celebration of the season. It is time to celebrate the return of the Light. Please allow this to occur within.

We have heard your prayers, Dear Ones. Please heed our reply, as it is given with Love and a gentle nudge to take action in favour of the soul’s freedom, for it is your birthright and your inheritance.

How many times are we going to repeat word after word in response to your prayers for help, only to be expected to correct problems that the Earth family are continuing to create? If it was up to me, I would intervene directly and stand in front of you to prove that I have returned. I do not have the capability of re-establishing myself in human form to do so, but the written word can travel fast with willing hands and open minds and hearts. As such, what is done with this message is entirely up to you.

I am Lord Sananda. My friends in this realm know me by both Sananda and Jeshua, which is the birth name that I was given, as well as Jesus by those who have requested private counsel with me after they have made the journey home to continue learning, teaching, and integrating all that was learned during the incarnation chosen. You would not undertake this journey—nor have you ever taken it, for that matter—without the assistance of several high level guides who have worked with you throughout multiple lifetimes. There are times when these guides change as the new level of advancement is deemed necessary for your soul’s overall growth. The chart designed for my brief incarnation (being that living to one’s early 30s could not possibly have made me an old man), and I gleaned wisdom beyond my years as a result of the “lost years,” as they are often known. It was then that I discovered my ability to communicate with the next realm as a direct channel. Maitreya stepped forward immediately, and I often referred to him as my father, because that is how his energy felt. We were friends, as well, and continue to be friends to this day. I designed my soul contract with him, he mentioned, and we agreed to challenge humanity as a whole, so even though the ending was traumatic and excruciatingly painful, once I noticed the door home was opening, I didn’t hesitate to step through, only to be told that I needed to perform a miracle before my ascension could occur.

Does that sound about right? Could you imagine my beloved Mary Magdalene standing alongside her mother-in-law when I assured them that I knew I would be well taken care of? My mother in particular did not adjust to this transition as well as some might think, which she has mentioned directly to our scribe during a one-on-one telepathic exchange that is more commonplace within our realm than people might anticipate. There is much that I could discuss in that regard, which Maitreya might very well remark upon at a later time. As a friend and mentor, I would not be where I am, had I not adjusted my thinking to align directly to the soul’s everlasting light. Even as a child, I saw things through a different lens. In today’s society, I would have likely been bullied, especially if I declared my beliefs, going against the grain of what the majority of people were similarly taught to believe by their forefathers and foremothers.

I was a single man against Goliath, in a way. Remember the Star of David and try to view it through a different lens: a triangle integrated as they mirror each other. The soul’s trinity on Earth marrying the soul’s trinity in Heaven, as it is known. This symbol is one of the many symbols which form part of sacred geometry. Those who are scientifically minded will appreciate their intricacy. The archangelic realm can be accessed utilizing these symbols, and breathtaking works of art can be created when these symbols are understood and appreciated. Doing so could be thought of as co-creating with the Divine. They welcome the invitation to show you how beautiful combining this science with your own imaginations can be. Intention is linked to creation, and the intention of accessing the power of your breath through the practice of yoga can also set the wheels into motion for miracles and transformations to occur.

The Divine Creator and Divine Creatrix continue to co-create under many names, “God” and “Source” being among them. Together, they have brought many of their plans to fruition, balancing and rebalancing their Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies so that everything they collectively manifest will work flawlessly with pure intention. This Source Energy can be tapped into at will, as long as the ego does not stand at the helm and attempt to redirect traffic, so to speak. Your Divine nature understands the laws that were created to make this plan work as it is meant to. Rebalancing takes corrections into account, just as we continue to take corrections into account when we attempt to realign your own energies with the assistance of your own soul.

“We have never left you, Dear Ones,” the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine would tell you, and I can promise you that the Divine Plan has always had your soul’s highest interests in mind. The “human experiment” is one such plan, and each and every one of you forms part of it. Quitting on something that has taken hundreds of thousands of years to create is definitely not one of them.

When my soul contract was created and agreed to, it specified that I would return, but the door to the reentry had not yet been established. As a door can easily exist in electronic form, it was determined over the course of the last few decades that this would be the perfect place to attempt to recreate a human bond, even if it meant challenging the rigid belief systems of those who were taught to believe that I would return in physical form. I am a Light Being, just as you are when you are not incarnated. There are a number of wonderful recordings of visitations from my Mother; as such, please recognize that they were holographic in nature and very brief, as well. Angels are remarkable beings, and it is no surprise that many have encountered them in desperate times, saving them from impending peril. One might think that I was meant to be rescued, but that did not form a part of the soul contract that I consciously created with Maitreya by my side. There were many who uttered, “God be with you” as I made my reentry toward the beginning of my life, and El Morya, known then as Melchior, was among those who witnessed me as an infant.

There is much that has been recorded incorrectly. I am not here to correct every single line; I am here to help correct the lies that are regarded as truths. This will impact humanity on a collective level, if those who are willing to release their egos and reunify their minds and hearts and who are willing to pay attention to what I have to tell them.

I could have written a book about all the work that I did with Maitreya, but there was limited access to printing materials, so word of mouth was relied upon and, sadly, was manipulated from time to time by people who had a separate political agenda that had absolutely nothing to do with the Divine teachings I was guided to share. For the longest time, the High Council was known as the Council of the Great White Brotherhood. That “Sisterhood” was later added might leave much to be desired by those on Earth who continue to believe that God can only take the form of a bearded white male who some might have noticed bears a remarkable resemblance to the mythical god, Zeus. Our agenda has never changed, no matter which name we have chosen. Suffice it to say that, given that there are 144,000 of us, it would be a waste of time to calculate how many of us were men and how many were women during the lifetime in which we ascended. Like you, we chose multiple incarnations during which we chose to identify as masculine or feminine. The soul does not claim a preference, as it, like the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, contains both energies. You were created in the image and likeness of God, after all.

Please remember that analogies and metaphors were often used throughout the biblical teachings when they were required. There is no physical way to survive being swallowed by a whale. That was a metaphor for being overly consumed, which many of you can relate to.

It is said—and from what thousands of us have heard—that “moderation is key.” What is “key” is rebalancing, and many are struggling to adjust to shifting tides, shifting energies, and shifting mentalities. It is overwhelming, to be certain; but, in order to be truly certain, you must be willing to stand back, both individually and collectively, and take a look at the circumstances around you. Rather than criticize what is going on, do your best to contribute to positive changes that are both required and observed by our realm.

I could show you photo after photo of assorted crop circles that have been created, and we could then have an even longer discussion than the time it took for them to be created about how signs are always given to prove that humanity is not flawed as a collective. You are simply not communicating your deeper desires for compassion and commitment, and so many of you have become solitary creatures, disappointed and yet hungry for connection and absolute love, which so many of you were denied as children. Please make an effort to correct this within yourselves. Journal and directly talk to someone who is willing to listen—not judge or attempt to adjust your feelings—but to readily and actively allow you to state your truth aloud, even if it means feeling the shame and embarrassment that you’ve habitually been forced to deny.

Those who have been buried will rise—and continue to rise until they reach a frequency clear enough to create a communication link directly with their higher selves. This is both a fact and a truth. Please trust me on this.

You are being reborn in each and every moment. Do not deny yourselves the opportunity to create a sacred space that allows your inner child to roam freely. You can do laundry and practice rebalancing by folding your clothes and removing items you no longer need and donating them to charity. You can organize your refrigerator and compost items that are no longer nourishing to you. While they are categorized as ordinary and somewhat unpleasant tasks to some, they help to shift your biomagnetic field. The higher your frequency becomes, the more at ease you will feel within.

Imagine feeling free enough to talk to me as though we already knew each other’s secrets and never once stopped to judge each other as undeserving of the soul’s Love in a single lifetime, much less all the lifetimes your soul chose to self-create with the assistance of the Elohim and the magic contained in the conjoining of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine energies that are just as much a part of you as they are within each and every one of us. You do not need to prostrate yourself in front of someone who has limited knowledge of the intricacies of your nature in order to be forgiven of your sins. I chose to deny myself a few luxuries during my time because humanity’s health and welfare were my utmost priority. I have never changed that desire. I have been serving with my Divine brothers and sisters in the Universal Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light from the moment an invitation was extended. Melchizedek also played an important role in my development, and I was known as a Priest in the Order of Melchizedek, which includes priestesses. Should you choose to read A Tryst of Faith when it is published during the coming year, you will understand a bit more of this. I make short appearances from time to time throughout the book, as do my Mother and my beloved, Mary Magdalene, who also form part of the Council, to use the simplest term for our group.

Regardless of which name we have elected to use, either personally or collectively, we are unified in our cause, and will continue to relay message after message through this scribe, as well as others. Please pay attention to them, as they consciously chose to sign up for the difficult task of putting their safety and well-being in our hands in exchange for a wider range of knowledge than what was previously integrated. They are here to help you expand your own knowledge, not tell you where you are wrong or misguided. You have all made mistakes and taken a wrong turn from time to time. There is a tremendous amount that El Morya wishes to talk to you about, which is also covered in the book. Our words are not meant to be reviewed with a cursory glance; they are meant to uplift your own biomagnetic frequencies and help you to integrate a greater degree of the soul’s energies and our own.

We deeply honour our scribe’s persistence, in spite of the lack of readership our messages have received thus far. It is our hope that this will shift during the coming year, when it will not only be 2020, but many people’s inner vision will return to the soul’s clarity, which never wavers from perfect 20/20 vision.

It is imperative to remind yourself that you are a byproduct of old patterns and habits, established from the moment you were able to observe the world around you and react or respond accordingly. Many of you have identified negative patterns and actively chosen to correct them. It is challenging and difficult work, but it is the wisest, most liberating gift that you can ever consciously choose to offer to your soul and especially to your inner child. If you are unhappy with the state of your life, please adhere to a diet that negates as many processed foods as you are able and come to terms with outstanding reconciliations within that are disappointing to you. As disappointment never fails to disappoint and millions of people are accustomed to disappointment, why not consider an outstanding debt as being worthy of repayment in order to receive an outstanding reward? El Morya would tell you that you’re far better off disappointing disappointment than you are pretending that everything is as you would like it to be.

Inner rebalancing serves to turn off the key that automatically ignites a mindset of limitation and lack, replacing it with one that ignites the soul’s vehicle, which offers far more in terms of “bells and whistles” than any other sports car on the market. Please don’t ignore any inner alarms that are signifying a tune-up might be due, if not long overdue. Just as a vehicle cannot run without fuel or regular maintenance, don’t consciously add low grade fuel to your body, mind, and heart if you are wanting and expecting your engine to last. As the Universe responds to your own frequency, inner work needs to be focused upon in order for your life to run more smoothly.

Challenge yourself to give yourself both room and time to re-pattern belief systems that are working against you.

Please create a sacred space and allow your mind to be open to taking on additional responsibilities of a spiritual nature. Rearrange your schedule to the best of your ability so you will have a bit of spare time to rejuvenate within. Let this be a priority. You are all cellular and energetic in nature. Allow more Light to enter. The rest will begin to take care of itself as you allow yourself to come to terms with past traumatic events, disappointments, regrets, and the like.

You are loved more than I can begin to mention. Please remember that, today and always.

I Am Sananda, known to many as Jesus the Christ.

We are One in the Light of the Christ within each and every one of you.

“All is well,” as Louise Hay would say. Trust that her teachings—especially the book, How to Heal Your Life—will be remarkably beneficial to those who are willing to take a stand against the darkness within and illuminate the heart so that freedom can be embraced, allowed, and integrated.

You do not need to filter yourselves in order to gain the soul’s acceptance. You need to clear the filter and allow the flow of its love and of its care and of its innate rebalancing nature to set things right.

A number of you have been in search of a mythical Holy Grail, not remembering to look within. Allow your own cup to be filled with nourishing foods, self-care rituals that restore a sense of relaxation if stress has been overwhelming to you, and spend time in nature to recharge and attune to the Earth, which is refreshed and restored from sunup to sundown. It is your responsibility to utilize the free will you were given to elevate your biomagnetic field. Search for a healer who will give you an energetic treatment, and allow the body to be touched with the healing Light of the soul, even if it means surrendering your wounds for transmutation in the process. This is an act of self-care, in and of itself, and it would be wise to sacrifice online time, particularly during the evening, so the circadian rhythms can be restored. The soul cannot restore what you are unwilling to expose for healing and transformation.

The Earth takes periods of rest in winter, which ultimately leads to spring, which leads to summer, which leads to fall, and then to winter, once again. Embrace the soul’s codes and its understanding of the cyclical nature of life, as its definition expands far beyond a single lifetime or a single year of seasons.

Live as if Heaven can be created on Earth. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven. Allow your inner kingdom to be a heavenly sanctuary for you to recharge—not once per week, but daily. Allow me to enter as a welcomed friend and imagine us talking. Your heart will hear me. Allow your heart to speak and release any misjudgments that are standing in the way of the soul’s freedom. You deserve the freedom it is seeking to offer.

Be well, Dear Ones.

I Am with you always.

