For those who believe in numerology, “1010” symbolizes new beginnings.

Maitreya is asking me to include: “Humanity’s pain and suffering is not limited to the poor. Emotional hunger has the potential to affect everyone—some for longer stretches of time than others. While the current pandemic will have a far reaching toll, emotional hunger is a far more common dis-ease that can also be treated and corrected. St. Germain’s message briefly touches on both topics. It is our hope that readers will take his words to heart.”


Were you to research the Violet Flame, you would come across a few items of note. Some are articles, and another one is a piece of music by the band referred to as “Erasure.”

“I remember erasers in school,” some might recall, thinking about the times when life was simpler and chalk boards were used, along with pencils and journals. Before pens were taken into hand after cursive writing was mastered, students first learned the alphabet. An “a” can be verbalized in a number of ways. Students were also taught that certain letters are intended to be silent, and as students learned how to differentiate between what was meant to be heard and what was meant to be kept within, some simultaneously developed walls that very few were able to climb, including the inner child who might already have had enough of the “adult world” to want to participate.

Resistance and rebellion are often punished by those in so-called authoritative positions. Some have deemed that their social standing makes them “experts,” as far as social skills are concerned.

I could wax poetic about a number of topics, but I Am merely here today to provide a bit of wisdom, in light of the recent pandemic that is making its way throughout the world.

Stop stripping the shelves and starving those who are truly hungry.

I Am not asking you to open your homes to the homeless, but do bear in mind that communities which rely on the generosity of others are still starving for your willing hands to make a difference.

Some have remarked that our messages are too long. Others have deemed this scribe unworthy of the gift that was given to her the day after what was termed “9-11.” Remember how the world united in its cause to help those who were affected by that disaster. No one—and I mean no one—is excluded from receiving Divine Guidance, if such a term could be used to refer to each of our messages.

In the coming few months, the entire world’s economy will begin to shift. That wave of change has already started.

Be mindful of how you spend your money.

Be mindful of how you expend your energy.

Be mindful of how you treat those who are truly in need.

While “social distancing” has become the norm, it is also becoming a standard term that is contemporaneously substandard.

Humanity has survived the Black Plague. While dinosaurs no longer roam the Earth, there is no way the “COVID-19” as it is termed will take hold in the manner so many are fearing. Some will heal and some will not. Yes, be mindful of who you expend your energy with. Think carefully of the groceries that you need and allow others to purchase what they need, too.

Today’s message is a reminder that your realm is not being ignored by our realm in any way, shape, or form.

You are here to help and serve each other, not take from those who are in need. Give what you are able. Partake in small communal gatherings to reconnect. Stay home if you are unwell. While these are simple requests that could be made by the average person, the Archangels and “Ascended Masters” as we are known have not forgotten you.

Please be mindful of what you have in storage. Make use of what you have. When was the last time you made homemade bread? When was the last time you made a full, steaming pot of soup that nourished the entire family?

What you eat will directly impact your body’s ability to survive a drought. This is not a drought. It is a temporary pandemic that will severely impact those who are trying to make a living selling goods and services that are not tied to conglomerates. Yes, pay attention to the media, as far as further alerts are concerned. You do not need to pretend that this is an alarmist hoax, for the impact throughout the world is not excluding governments.

Please bring laughter into your life to help keep your spirits elevated. Laugh and sing to relieve stress. Laugh, laugh, laugh! Your bodies need laughter far more than they need heartache, pain, or personal struggle. Are the latter three topics of concern to you? We are available to provide assistance, especially as far as inner rebalancing is concerned.

When was the last time you drew pictures, just for fun?

When was the last time you undertook to build a teepee or a fort of blankets and made a magical retreat—a sacred space, if you will—that brought you an inner sense of safety?

How important is it to you to survive the challenges that lie ahead? Do any of you need our help?

“You’re starting to repeat yourself,” a few might observe. Very well, then, I’ll tie this off.

Come to the soul’s banquet with open hands, an open mind, and an open heart. We are here to calm and nourish you. We are here to guide you to adapt to the change of pace and the pace of change that many have been experiencing. We are here to remind you that the world will not end, even though it feels like it is. The Earth is being reborn, and humanity is walking alongside it—or, rather, atop it. Nourish the Earth right now. Please endeavour to practice organic farming. Do not belittle those who cannot afford the produce, but feed the hungry and lend an ear to those who feel emotionally starved, too, for that hunger is at the root cause of far more pain and suffering throughout the world than the pandemic. Give people the skills and tools they need to learn self-care and remind them of their worth, for many who were abandoned or rejected as children are struggling to accept the soul’s love as truth.

Help each other to heal.

Help each other to grow.

Give it all you’ve got, and then try to give a little more.

Humanity’s survival depends on it.

I Am St. Germain

~ Channeled March 15, 2020