Sometime within the next six to eight weeks (or earlier, if things go according to plan), our scribe’s website will finally become active, and as external circumstances continue to come into alignment, all those who are interested in reviewing our messages and stories will have a much more visually stimulating and inviting platform within which to manoeuvre. We welcome the opportunity to request testimonials (as you would refer to them) so that a broader audience will be motivated to delve into our realm and the teachings we are seeking to share.

While our scribe’s first channeled book, A Tryst of Faith, isn’t likely to resonate with those who are resistant to broadening their inner perspectives to accommodate more advanced spiritual teachings not shared in churches or in schools, spiritual alchemy is not meant to be set to a bar delineated by age or sex, which includes the sexual orientation of a person.

One fact that has been blatantly absent within the curriculum of schools alone is the practice of meditation. Some are being taught this at an early age, yet some are strongly opposed to shining a light on areas where improvement is clearly needed. It is not our intention to make people feel “less than” by doing so.

While the definition of “God” was and continues to be manipulated by a male dominated societal hierarchy, many within modern society have advanced their spiritual awareness and continue to seek to expand this practice. It is clear to our realm that this definition needs to be broadened and deepened to unify humanity, not divide it. After reading today’s message alone, it is our hope that you will begin to broaden and deepen your awareness of All That Is, which is synonymous with “God,” “Source,” or even the “Divine Creator and Creatress,” if you prefer, as the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine exist and create in harmony with each other. Those Divine energies form part of each and every one of you, to greater or lesser degrees. To explain this in greater detail would require another message; suffice it to say that, if you are a male, there will still be aspects within that could be termed “feminine” (although some might vehemently oppose this truth). Similarly, women will also have traits within that are more masculine in nature.

All are worthy.

There is no separation between your soul and the Divine Hierarchy. There are only separations within your world that need to be corrected so that the expansion of All That Is can be appreciated and understood by those who have been trained to believe that prostrating themselves to be accepted or forgiven is required to receive Divine Intervention. This message alone could be defined as exactly that.

Heaven exists within, to a greater or lesser degree. The same could be said about Hell. There is no entrance to either except within your own mind. Today’s message will help you to reorient yourself if you are stuck in a belief system that is inhibiting your authentic expression. As our dear friend Archangel Michael has asked me to share:

“You are that which you believe you are. If you believe yourself to be a sinner who is undeserving of forgiveness, you will limit your experience of your Divine Self. If you are willing to expand your experience, the mistruths that are held within must be addressed before they can be eradicated. You do not require a spiritual intermediary for absolution; you require a willing and open mind and a willing and open heart. We are here to mend any gaps or barriers that are preventing inner freedom from being a state of Heavenly Bliss that can be counted upon, no matter how much darkness might be surrounding you or be perceived as real within.”

Now is not the time to delve into esoteric mysticism. Archaic words have been anticipated by many who seem to think that we, too, continue to live in what were termed the “Dark Ages.” That time is long gone.

As our scribe will willingly attest, we are direct, concise, and not afraid to “call a spade a spade,” not to mention utilize modern phrases so that we can seem more approachable without filtering our natural expression. I could easily draw an analogy for this, although El Morya has indicated that he would like me to mention:

“A bee is a bee and not a wasp. Let both be appreciated, but keep your distance from those who do not seek to nourish the world and only seek to bully others and prevent joy from being experienced. A bee might very well visit a picnic just to take a brief look at all that it was born to assist in creating. Be humble like bees and contribute to the joy of each other’s experiences. You are here to learn how to eradicate darkness by first facing it within yourself. You will not be punished for doing so, but will be rewarded by experiencing the vastness of the soul’s banquet in return.”

I would like to add a single statement to El Morya’s remarks:

The soul’s elixir will help you to grow. Please be open to receiving it.

You are under no obligation to believe our scribe has been requested to relay our words to you. She has simply been asked to fulfil her role as an intermediary and this is the end result. For that matter, you are under no obligation to believe anything that has been transcribed to date. With well over eighteen years of experience communicating directly with a number of us, some struggle to believe our scribe is not the person penning these words. As anyone who has received a reading will undoubtedly attest, she is often surprised by who comes forward—be it an “Ascended Master,” as we are known, one of the Archangels, the Elohim, or even a member of the archetypal realm of the person receiving the reading.

Our purpose is twofold:

  1. We are here to directly help those who are seeking spiritual guidance. From time to time, we draw upon the experiences of our scribe and her inner archetypal realm; in fact, that is the reason why her archetypal realm often presents itself in stories such as the one being shared today. At no time is our scribe aware of what is to be written or who intends to come forward. I Am Maitreya, and while many seem to think I have no business pointing to a wound and singling it out for direct healing, if you are reviewing this message, it is because your soul has prompted you to do exactly that.
  2. As our scribe can also attest, inner wounds are barriers to the soul’s love, and the more open a person is to receiving the soul’s light, the easier that person’s life will begin to be. Resistance is the antithesis of inner balance. In other words, if you are feeling any resistance while reading this, there is a good chance an inner archetype is holding onto a wound and protecting it at the risk and expense of a tremendous amount of joy. While that might seem blunt, many women and men alike share a common denominator that we are seeking to eradicate: disappointment in the realm of love. This is one of the main reasons why A Tryst of Faith was transcribed verbatim. It was a surprise to our scribe to be referred to as a character in a story, just as it was a surprise to her to discover that she is able to tap into a person’s archetypal realm during a reading.

Today’s story includes the wise and wonderful Lao Tzu.

None of these words within the story are of our scribe’s making. Being an intermediary is not for the faint of heart. With a background of Neurolinguistic Programming training and Master level Reiki attunements, she is able to hold a connection with our realm for several hours at a time. While most readings are no more than an hour and a half (and even a half hour reading can alter the course of the recipient’s life), most people can only absorb a small portion of our energy because of its intensity.

We are not catalysts for upheaval. We are catalysts for solutions to modern problems. We did not come here to rewrite history but to clarify certain mistruths that have been accepted as fact.

Your soul knows the difference between darkness and light because it has experienced the entire spectrum.

Now is not the time to argue about semantics, Dear Ones. Now is the time to actively embrace the deeper meaning of the word “healing.” Divine Grace, who is a member of the Elohim, extends her Light around you today, and as you begin to integrate the energies contained within today’s message, we hope that you will seek to return to this place for further messages, being that we are fully cognizant of WordPress being used as a platform for joyously sharing words from the “Other Side,” as it is known. That said, however, we would prefer the website to be used and are anxious for it to be made available so that more and more people can accept and appreciate that the promise Jesus/Lord Sananda made was not only kept, but is shared by thousands upon thousands of us—144,000 of us, if you were to count.

Please set aside some time to journal. We know this seems like an unusual request, but authenticity is not shunned by the soul; it is expected in order to achieve what many deem “enlightenment” to be.

In the words of the inimitable Anaïs Nin, “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

Challenge yourself to embrace spring if you are living in the Northern Hemisphere. It is just around the corner.

We celebrate your rebirth and the abundance offered by your beloved Gaia, and hope that today’s title seems appropriate.

Without further ado, here is today’s story. We hope it inspires you to look at your inner realm through a lens of compassion and faith.

In Peace and in Love and in Light, please join with us in celebration of All That Is.

I Am,


~ Channeled March 1, 2020


“I keep meaning to ask you something,” the young girl mentioned to Maitreya. “Why aren’t other people involved in the stories?”

“Were you able to see the image I just showed the woman?” he replied after flashing an image of an area of the city before her third eye.

“Of course I saw it,” she answered. “I’ve seen and heard and felt everything—all the good, all the bad, and everything in between.”

“The same holds true for the soul,” Lao Tzu said, coming forward for the first time in a while. He then turned to the woman and declared, “I’m fully aware that you resonate with the truth of the Divine Feminine deserving to be acknowledged as being an equal partner to the Divine Masculine, and many who continue to follow the Gnostic teachings also continue to refer to the Godhead as ‘Mother/Father God.’ We did not come here to tell people that they have been entirely misled, but to remind them that many of the biblical teachings that were manipulated to promote what we consider the antithesis of Christ-like behaviour are still considered acceptable to this day. Our metaphors and analogies are ways of explaining concepts that require ‘inner work,’ as it is commonly referred to. People accept God, Source, or All That Is through the lens of their own awareness. Our goal is to help people to recalibrate their inner lens. Many have turned a blind eye to the wisdom of the Gnostic teachings, not to mention the teachings of Jesus, which would not set a woman below a man, regardless of her status in society. Were modern technology to have been available to record his day-to-day efforts to enlighten others by showing them the true meaning of their soul’s power, the entire religious curriculum taught in churches and in schools would dramatically shift, to put it mildly. One of the most blatant lies ever promulgated is the declaration that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute. She was an astute and successful businesswoman who never intentionally gave her power away. To this day, it is one of the grossest mistruths that was ever propagated by those who rewrote the biblical texts to serve a masculine dominated societal hierarchy. It is an insult to the soul to strip away a person’s freedom, and those lies in no way honour the hierarchy of the soul. You are all treasured in your own unique way. Practice extending a hand to those in need, but remember that sometimes those in need have yet to be encouraged to find their inner strength on their own. We came here to mentor, not to preach. We came here to guide, not to force. And we came here to teach about the soul’s definition of Love, which broadens and deepens everything that millions upon millions of people seem to think is limited to romantic love. Love is seeking to understand. Love is holding the door open for a stranger, and that is precisely what we have come forward to do: hold open the door to the soul after encouraging people to look to their hearts and ask themselves a simple question: Do I deserve love? It is up to the individual to clearly and concisely answer that question. One of the reasons why we encourage the practice of journaling is to remind people that their thoughts and feelings have a place in the soul’s experience of All That Is. We cannot state this clearly enough: there is no division between darkness and light. Upon closer inspection, their unique vibrations will still intermingle, gently adjusting their energetic offerings to support the other. Does it not make sense to offer the mind an opportunity to broaden and deepen its experience of All That Is, as well?”

“That’s a lot to absorb,” the cynic said. “But I understood each and every word.”

Lao Tzu bowed his head, acknowledging the gratitude the cynic was extending in his thoughts but not his words.

“Honest expression is the fundamental nature of the soul. A challenge many face is accepting that the soul would not shun anyone, regardless of what he or she has done. A blanket can be worn as a coat but can also be placed on top of a makeshift home to keep the wind from tearing it down. Chances are, however, the wind would carry the blanket with it and leave the home in shambles. This is not the disaster I am portraying it to be. It is an opportunity to rebuild. Many are suffering because they are trying to hold onto friendships that have run their course or marriages that deplete their emotional reserves—or both. The same also holds true for people who continue working in an environment that depletes their sense of self, rather than one that will nourish and encourage them to adjust their viewpoints by looking within at the barriers that have prevented further joy from entering and low self-worth from exiting. Would that not be a fair exchange to a martyr or a victim who seeks to better his or her status and stature? Do people who feel good about themselves not carry themselves differently? With sufficient practice and determination—not to mention patience, as inner work can be both tiring and time consuming—those who struggle with low self- worth will be able to alchemize their self-perceived limitations into newfound strengths and eventually turn their attention outwardly so they can finally pierce the glass ceiling they previously believed was real. If the blanket has been removed, the sky is much more easily seen, is it not? While this analogy might seem painfully obvious to some, many continue to think that maintaining the status quo will nourish and sustain them over the long term. Anyone who has conquered his or her demons will most assuredly tell you that it will not.”

“You mentioned ‘nourish’ twice,” observed the fool.

“I was just thinking the same thing,” said the cynic.

“How many fail to nourish themselves?” asked Lao Tzu. “Why not look to the soul for ample nourishment? Crumbs of affection will never sustain a person, but seeds of truth will, if they are planted and cultivated. Would you walk away from yourself if the soul knocked on your door?”

“It’s a bit difficult to imagine,” the fool said.

“And yet it happens all the time. Do not shun someone because he or she has been blocking the soul’s light from entering. Knock on the door and see if he or she will answer.”

Lao Tzu briefly closed his eyes and formulated how he wished to express the wisdom contained within his next seed.

“If you happen to stumble upon an old, worn out blanket, honour where you find it and send a prayer to the person who might have either cast it aside or lost it to the wind. The troll once lost his blanket, too, and then found it again. The last time I saw him, he was sitting in an open field, utilizing as much sunlight as he was able so that he could mend the areas that had become threadbare. Self-care is imperative and is much like mending the blanket. Do you not see how tender your emotional realm can be? Were you to think of the blanket as a cloak of light, you might begin to think of the scenario I mentioned earlier another way, yet again. How many times do you want me to tell this story? Is it not enough to mention that ‘God works in mysterious ways’ and trust that ‘God’ can be synonymous with the soul? How many oceans contain a single shipwreck? Where did all the treasures go? How many people are walking shipwrecks who have yet to look within to discover the treasures are not hidden from view, but are merely covered by a layer of pain or hurt or regret that one or more of us have compassionately pointed to in order to begin the process of emotional alchemy? Dusting, cleaning, and mending worn items around the house might not seem entertaining, but if your favourite music was played and you were able to sing aloud while tackling those chores, chances are you would release old wounds that no longer have a place in your life, just as people who hurt, abused, or shunned you for no good reason should also no longer have a place in your life.”

Lao Tzu paused for a few moments and then stated, “A shuttle bus is often taken by people within your community to reach a train that takes them to the downtown central core.”

“What does this have to do with anything?” the cynic asked.

“Do you remember the name we gave you several times over the past year?” Maitreya then asked the woman.

“Yes. It happens to be the name of my new shuttle bus driver.”

“And you speak with him almost every single morning. Did you notice the connection was there and try to ignore it?”

“No. I thought he was attractive, yet kept my distance. I felt the urge to approach him a few weeks ago, and we just started talking.”

“And you now know which area of the city he lives in. You also know he’s single.”

“I do. What are you getting at?”

Maitreya then showed her a specific area of the city again. “Follow your intuition,” he encouraged her. “We can’t force the timing, but we can guide the two of you to meet. You do remember the dream that you had a few months ago in which the man you are meant to meet confronted you and mentioned, ‘I’m the one you’ve been waiting for.’”

“I do,” the woman admitted. “I also recognized that the other woman in the dream resembles a woman I recently met, but the woman and man didn’t speak to each other. I saw someone on the train platform shortly after the dream who bore a remarkable resemblance to the man in the dream.”

“The connections were indirect for a reason. Now, then … what else do you have to ask Lao Tzu?”

“Do you want to know why the Tao Te Ching was written?” he asked with a twinkle in his eye. “It was written because I saw a need for the human language to express a single grain of sand from the soul’s ocean. You know that A Tryst of Faith is another grain. Or perhaps the Tao was merely a seed that I wanted to plant in the minds of students who were willing to look beyond the limitations of society and embrace the All That Is as an achievable companion that is not meant to be cast aside, much like an old blanket, but one that can be tended to. Remark upon the Tao at a later time. For now, the act of bringing your book to completion needs to be your topmost priority. Another time will come when your life will intersect with the man on the train platform. Now that those dots have been connected, perhaps there is time for one last statement.”

“Which is …?” inquired the cynic.

“How certain are you that I am here? If you cannot see me except for within your mind’s eye, am I truly here?”

“How am I supposed to answer that question?”

“Look within and answer.”

“I Am here,” the cynic then heard.

“Very good,” Lao Tzu said.

“Did you hear it, too?” the cynic asked the young girl.

“I did,” she said.

“The ‘I Am Presence’ is within all people,” remarked Lao Tzu. “I came here today to remind people of that truth. I have one more thing to say, and it is this: You do not need to prove the existence of God to anyone, nor be chastised if your idea of God conflicts with a strict doctrine that excludes anyone, especially those who are considered ‘different,’ simply because they don’t fit the mold created by the limited few who have likely never heard the ‘voice of God’ within. Anyone who has ever declared ‘I Am (this)’ or ‘I Am (that)’ has already expressed an aspect of the Godhead. ‘You are not your wounds,’ many have been told. It is time to challenge the lies that are preventing the truth from being seen. Barriers within must be exposed in order for the soul’s light to reach them. Remember that the door to the soul is never shut; only a mind aligned in darkness refuses to look for it.”

~ Channeled February 28, 2020