For anyone who has suffered loss or is struggling to come to terms with the ending of a close relationship—or both—and is seeking clear guidance and wisdom from an ascended master who is able to transcend hurt, pain, and regret, then I hope today’s story, which was channeled over the course of two days, inspires you to awaken your own inner magic.


“If a trickle-down effect can only fill a willing pond, then how many ponds do you want to encounter in search of someone who will listen to what we have to tell them?” Lao Tzu asked the young girl. “We’ve talked about you a number of times, you know.”

“You have? But why?”

“Because there are 144,000 of us and several have waited quite some time before we could come forward to speak with you. Maitreya asked me to sit with you this morning to remind you that you’re here to help awaken humanity. Satisfy it to say that only one person who is willing to embrace what we have to tell him or her is a victory, in and of itself. That the woman is complaining about feeling like a failure has to do with expecting that more than just one will follow. There will be many more, I can promise you. If it’s a matter of ‘when,’ then it also rests in her hands to set the record straight with someone from her past before she can move on with her life.”

“Who might that be?” the cynic asked.

“Her ex-husband.”

“I had a feeling you were going to say that,” the woman said. “Every now and again, I dream that I’m still married to him. We’ve been apart for over two decades and I knew I made a mistake the day I got married.”

“You know it wasn’t a mistake,” remarked Lao Tzu. “He did, however, discard a number of your personal items that you should have been given the opportunity to collect from his house. That he regarded them as unworthy of your attention also goes to how you must have often felt.”

“That’s true,” she admitted. “Things were different when we were just dating.”

“And he simply continued as he was doing when you finally moved in together, except that he made even less of an effort to help out around the house. His mother coddled his father, as you know. While that worked for them—”

“He didn’t know any different,” the woman said, completing his sentence.

“That you were angry about it and demanded that the scales be balanced spoke to his inability to attempt to satisfy your emotional state without being asked to contribute. While old-fashioned values have their place, the dynamic that he expected to continue was something that you also laid out to him that he could rely on.”

“I thought that he’d at least help out more around the house and not complain vociferously when yardwork needed to be done.”

“Can we talk about something else?” the cynic asked. “This is boring.”

“I forgive myself for trying to be—”

“For trying to be what?” the cynic interrupted.

“For trying to be someone that I wasn’t. I bought into idea of a fairytale ending, with a house, a yard, and two kids.”

“Minus the children, I’d say you got what you wanted,” Lao Tzu commented. “What else do you seek to forgive?” asked Lao Tzu.

“I forgive myself for leaving. I just couldn’t handle another day of feeling so unhappy with a partner. I didn’t feel like my presence mattered at all.”

“It did, and you know it. There’s something that you need to recall. There were multiple times when he reached out to be heard and you refused to listen.”

“It wasn’t quite like that, Lao Tzu. I simply didn’t want to be physically intimate with him. My body no longer responded.”

“Ah, then, that’s a predicament that many face when the attraction toward one’s partner shifts to the point of no return.”

“So much for ‘until death do us part,’” the nun said.

“But she was dying inside,” the prostitute retorted. “How is that any different?”

“I suppose you’re right,” the nun concurred, revealing the marriage contract and igniting a match.

“Wait, wait, wait!” the young girl said. “I think we need to forgive him, too.”

“I have to thank him,” the fool said. “None of us would be here if you hadn’t met him in the first place.”

Lao Tzu unexpectedly left the room and returned with a single volume from the Akashic Records. “Do you see this word underlined here?” he asked, pointing to a single page with the woman’s ex-husband’s name written at the top.

“I don’t get it,” the cynic said after viewing the page. “Why was ‘sorrow’ underlined? Am I supposed to be upset that he felt sorrow?”

“I’m sorry,” said the woman.

“There is a deep sorrow within you that you failed at something you wanted more than anything. Would you not have failed yourself if you hadn’t paid attention to your intuition when you knew it was time to leave?”

“True,” she answered.

“You and he could not be friends as you once were, nor would he ever regard you with the same welcoming smile that he did when you were married.”

“It wasn’t always there.”

“Nor did he see that in you.”

“Quid pro quo,” snapped the cynic.

“How can I fix this?” the woman asked.

“You can tell him the next time he’s in town that you’re sorry you let him down.”

“I already did. I told him that a number of times.”

“One last time wouldn’t hurt.”

“One last time wouldn’t exactly make me feel great.”

“Look at it this way: if you were holding onto sorrow and you wanted joy to take its place, wouldn’t you do all that you could to rebalance the scales?” questioned Lao Tzu.

“Yes, I would,” said the woman.

“Good. Then take that recommendation forward and set the record straight, once and for all. You might not get a second chance.”

“What are you telling me?”

“Just trust.”

“Abracadabra!” the fool cried out and the book vanished.

“Now, let’s look at the next volume,” Lao Tzu said, as another one appeared.

“This one doesn’t even look like it’s been opened yet,” the cynic said.

“It contains a letter or two—all in the Language of Light, I might add.

The woman leaned over and placed her hand on the book. “You have much work to do,” she heard. “The next man to arrive will help to shutter all the windows to the house that is meant to crumble. Prepare for him to arrive. All in good time, but do not rest on your laurels any longer.”

“You might catch cold if more fuel isn’t added to the fire,” the woman then heard, as she saw herself standing inside a cabin and looking toward the figure of a man silhouetted in the doorway, holding a bundle of wood.

“This is a beautiful chalet,” she thought, trying to capture all the details of the image revealed in her third eye.

“You always wanted a place like that,” the fool said, observing the woman’s thoughts.

As the vision slowly began to fade, the woman heard the man say, “I think it’s time for you to recognize your work can be done wherever you are. Why not be amenable to shifting towns down the road? A change of scenery would do you a world of good.” She pondered his remark before removing her hand from the book, sensing that the chalet was less than a two hour drive away from where she was currently living.

“A change of scenery isn’t required so much as a change in viewpoint,” Lao Tzu recommended after observing what was heard and shown. “Many believe the Christ within makes them true Christians. The Christ within exists, regardless of what religious denomination one elects to follow. At the end of life, all mistruths are revealed, and it is up to the recipient of our guidance to accept that some lessons were not meant to be repeated. The reason why self-examination is so important has to do with rebalancing the scales, which you have been doing. It took feeling the weight of all your misdeeds and lies you told yourself to finally come to the point where accidents no longer occur.”

“Accidents will still happen,” the cynic inquired.

“Perhaps I used the wrong term. Perhaps it is more appropriate to mention that obstacles, roadblocks, and unexpected mishaps can be perceived as opportunities for spiritual advancement.” Lao Tzu turned to the woman and asked, “Do you recall the first time you met your ex-husband?”

“I do. I remember knowing within the first few minutes that I was going to marry him.”

“And yet, he resisted the commitment until you parted and then reunited.”

“Breaking up was his decision, not mine.”

“And yet you reunited when he decided he could no longer live without you.”

“Married life didn’t exactly feel like ‘living,’” said the woman.

“I agree, but you felt a calling deep within that couldn’t have been answered, had your soul not broadened your external landscape sufficiently for you to begin to observe the signs you were being shown.”

“I remember that,” she said. “It started off with seeing Pathfinders. The man I left behind drove one when we met.”

“Sometimes signs are discarded as merely coincidences. You know full well that your intuition first led you to Mexico two years before you met him. That vacation made it very clear to you as well as to your ex-husband that the façade you had been trying to maintain was starting to crack. The fissure could not have been prevented, nor was it meant to be mended in a way that could have maintained your marital contract for very much longer, regardless of how hard either of you tried. The only way for your life to come full circle was for you to keep following your intuition at the expense of your marriage, such as it was. That the soul will act as a catalyst to redirect a person away from a marital bond is likely to disturb those who believe marriage is for life and divorce is a ‘sin against God.’ It is likely that they are not in tune with the soul’s desire to reestablish the marriage between a person’s higher self and inner child as being the most important, above any and all other unions. This is the union that must never break. Had you not followed Melchizedek’s advice and encountered El Morya when you did, the nun and prostitute would have continued to war over their respective placements within your inner realm. While it wasn’t so much of a war as much as it was a misalignment, neither view your act of self-compassion as a sin. Am I right?”

The nun and prostitute looked at each other and nodded their heads in agreement.

“Now what?” asked the cynic.

“We move on,” the woman said, imagining herself standing in the living room of what was once the marital house that never really felt like a home. “We made the best of it,” she said aloud.

“But it wasn’t enough,” the young girl said. “I remember watching you when you first walked into the house. You knew right away that it was the one you were meant to buy. I knew I still needed to bide my time before you started to understand how desperately I wanted—and needed—to be seen and heard.”

“He certainly profited from the sale,” the cynic said, knowing that the house was sold several years after the divorce for a few hundred thousand dollars more than what they paid for it.

“Don’t think for a moment that you left too early,” remarked Lao Tzu. “That you left him with items to beautify the home speaks to your ability to be respectful of the desires of others to have order and balance. You need to focus on order and balance within your own home now. The coming year will see tremendous shifts in your work/life balance. The more that you focus on your scribing abilities, the more you can accomplish. Challenge yourself to reveal the first chapter of the book you were requested to transcribe. On second thought, perhaps a different ending would be better.”

“I was told several times not to attempt to change the ending.”

“Then it would be well worth your while to accept the catalysts that brought you to where you are today were meant to enliven your independence. From a very young age, you were taught to sacrifice your needs for others. That your mother did the same is also something you’re aware of. Perhaps you could see that you’ve both helped each other to shift the scales for the benefit of humanity—or at least those who are unafraid of releasing the old ways. There is a trick that I would like to teach you to assist in this endeavour.”

“I like tricks!” the fool said, smiling.

“Wherever there is loss, seek to find something that will help you to regain a sense of belonging. It is necessary to accept that loss is a fundamental aspect of gain, for when one idealizes loss to gain attention and sympathy from others, so is that person also seeking to fill the void created by the loss. This loss is merely an opening, and much like a window that has been boarded shut, so does opening it become an opportunity for spiritual advancement. Those who are accustomed to the darkness will often shelter themselves and avoid the light altogether. Those who no longer desire to remain in darkness will seek to expand this light. Both are escape routes that are willfully chosen from one life to another. I cannot tell you that what occurs when a life has ended will be the same for everyone. Some experience a brief void where darkness or light can be sought. This is one of the main reasons why so many experience a tunnel of light and quickly choose to surrender to it. This is a moment of pure and absolute bliss, and it would be well worth humanity’s while to acknowledge this moment is provided whenever loss is experienced throughout life. Grief is a necessary part of becoming aware of the ability to transcend it. Wallowing in self-pity only aggravates emotions that are in need of being released.”

“What’s the trick?” the cynic asked.

“The trick to being happy—or ‘content,’ if you prefer—is to recognize that contentment is not a place, nor does ‘content’ have a singular meaning.”

“Now you’re sounding like El Morya,” the woman teased.

“Oh, we’ve had many a conversation about you!” laughed Lao Tzu. “He seems to think you have a tremendous appetite for disappointment.”

“El Morya is wrong,” the young girl said.

“Ah, you’re almost there!” the master exclaimed. “Please continue.”

“I was accustomed to being disappointed.”

“And so you have actively sought out opportunities and relationships which validate that belief.”

“Enough already,” the cynic said, putting his hand on the second volume of the Akashic records.

“You will need to do more than just that,” El Morya said, joining the group.

“Open sesame!” the fool cried out, and the young girl saw sparkles of light glowing between the pages.

“Come on, you can do it,” the young girl said, whispering to the book. In that moment, the woman realized that they were the very same words she had been struggling to believe every time she encouraged herself to push her boundaries.

“This is a moment of bliss,” remarked Lao Tzu. “It is also a moment of tremendous loss.”

“It can’t be both,” said the cynic.

“Then it is up to you to choose to believe whether a spark of light will extinguish itself or if more can be added so a dream can be brought to life. Every life is a story, and some stories have happy endings, while others have sad ones. Remember that every chapter could be perceived as a day, a month, or a year, and every time a page is turned, an opportunity to create magic will instantly appear. Not everyone will fool themselves into believing that all stories will end the same way. Challenge yourself to broaden your horizons, for as milk is drawn from a cow, so is honey a byproduct of a bee gathering pollen from a single flower, and then another and then another. An octopus knows itself to be multitalented, simply because it embraces its ability to traverse the ocean floor, sometimes intentionally camouflaging itself against a predator. There is no need to camouflage yourself against the soul’s light. You must simply allow yourself to become it.”

“Thank you, Lao Tzu,” the woman said and he bowed his head.

“Please accept my gratitude for accepting this lesson. You will not live to be an old woman. Remember this and utilize this time as wisely as you are able. There are many awaiting our words, as we have told you a number of times. Many will continue to distrust our teachings, as ancient as they might be. The reason why I have come here today is to remind you that Buddhism and Taoism were awakened long before modern Christianity. The Oneness of All That Is transcends all of these beliefs, yet it encompasses them at the same time. There is no God that is superior over another. There is simply Oneness. This is what we have been trying to teach. An expansion of light cannot occur when one is committed to following darkness as truth. The choice to expand light is one that must be made individually. It is not meant to be forced. If you were to live under a bridge and no one told you that you were permitted to set foot on it, would there not come a day when you would be curious to explore all that exists beyond it?”

“Where are you?” the fool asked himself, trying to visualize where his friend, the troll, had been hiding.

“Right behind you, buddy,” he heard in return, as an image of a bridge was impressed so clearly in the fool’s mind that he could almost hear the water running beneath it. He then saw the troll standing beside a waterfall of light, opening his arms and joyfully allowing droplets to drench his hair and skin before shedding his old garments, one by one, and completely immersing himself in a state of bliss.

Just then, the woman felt an unexpected wave of relief and recalled the epilogue of A Tryst of Faith and the conversation she had with Maitreya after they had reached their destination.

“Do you need to change the ending now?” Lao Tzu asked the woman, observing her facial expressions and reading it clearly.

“No,” she said. “I don’t.”

“Very good, then. A new beginning, it is.”

“Recall this moment,” El Morya recommended. “Remember what it took for you to get here. It took liberating yourself from an unhappy marriage and having the willingness to follow your intuition, which had a much stronger pull than your desire to stay somewhere that would have broken you apart. That you were broken open shortly afterward speaks volumes to your ability to embrace the light that you are within. ‘I Am the Light that created the Universe’ might sound like a conceited statement, but as each person surrenders to his or her inner light, so is this light automatically expanded. You are all responsible for doing your part, and it is our challenge—as well as your own—to embrace the magic contained within the Light, as it knows itself to be. The Universe was created from pure thought. While this is difficult to fathom, anyone who has sought to create a recipe gathers the ingredients to bring the result into being. If nail polish was constantly added to a nail, it would be difficult to observe where new growth has occurred. Still, a good manicure does wonders for one’s hands, just as a good pedicure does wonders for one’s feet. What would similarly do wonders would be to embrace our teachings as opportunities to focus on new growth, and allow the illusions cast upon mistruths to be peeled away, layer by layer. You are magic. Remember that as truth. And as every story written comes from the imagination of a willing author, so are our messages transmitted to humanity through you as a willing scribe. This is your destiny. It is time for you to embrace it.”

“And so it is,” the young girl said, opening the book and writing three words: “Here I Am.”

“Here I Am, Here I Am,” echoed the wind as a breeze came through the window and lifted the page, revealing an opportunity for creation to manifest itself.

~ Channeled December 6 and 7, 2019