the blog

Awakening your inner magic
Awakening your inner magic

For anyone who has suffered loss or is struggling to come to terms with the ending of a close relationship—or both—and is seeking clear guidance and wisdom from an ascended master who is able to transcend hurt, pain, and regret, then I hope today’s story, which was...

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Embracing your soul’s freedom

Maitreya came through during a few of my morning channeling sessions and asked me to transcribe the messages below, which includes what could be considered “appetizers” in the form of an introduction and a transcription of a brief conversation that leads into the main...

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I found the photo of the knot a while ago, but don’t remember where. It was the first thing that sprang to mind when the conversation below came through during my channeling session on April 30. “There are many times when people run away from expressing their needs...

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A Clarion Call for our Survival

Today’s message from Maitreya touches on some important changes that need to be made in order to ensure our survival. Together we can make a difference. Namaste. 🌼 For all intents and purposes, an internal belief is the truth, even if it’s been adopted over time and...

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Sanat Kumara came through this morning and asked me to transcribe the mantra below onto a piece of paper and keep it with me. As soon as I decided his advice would be worthwhile to share, he added the remainder. “Please repeat the mantra daily,” he requested. “Try to...

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Embracing the Light
Embracing the Light

It’s hard to believe today is already the last day of March. Spring is still struggling to appear, but I’m grateful the robins are back. Although I’ve only heard them, I know they’re here. Those on the Other Side will always give us signs of their presence, if we’re...

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Opening Doors to Love
Opening Doors to Love

Maitreya came through and asked to preface the next story with the message below, which was channeled a few weeks ago. He specifically asked me to wait until today to share it. The epilogue at the very end came through after I finished proofreading his message. It is...

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Divine Rebalancing

Today’s message was channeled on March 12. As is often the case, it came through as a dialogue. It also serves as a prelude to a longer message from Maitreya that was transcribed last weekend, which I’ll be uploading very soon. “There are a few more messages to come,”...

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A Message of Love
A Message of Love

Archangel Haniel came through this morning with a Valentine’s Day message. I hope it inspires you to embrace—and spread—love. Namaste. 🌼 While today is perceived by millions as a commercial holiday, the soul is attuned to the frequency of love that is consciously...

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Daring to soar
Daring to soar

Maitreya came through this morning and asked me to transcribe the following: “There are millions of people in the world who would pay at least ninety or one hundred dollars for a single conversation with or a message from an ascended master or archangel. While our...

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Soul Gardening
Soul Gardening

For the past few weeks, Maitreya has come through during my morning channeling sessions and requested that I transcribe a small handful of messages, but refrain from sharing them. Considering they formed part of the continuing storyline, I thought that uploading them...

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Building an Empire
Building an Empire

Years ago, I wrote down the words, “In my hand is a single grain of sand. Is it the end of a castle or the beginning of its creation?” Today marks a new beginning, as well as a New Year. “Every day marks a new beginning,” Maitreya said. “The New Year serves as a...

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Into the fire
Into the fire

It’s hard to believe today is already December 31st. During this morning’s channeling session, Maitreya mentioned, “You are not here to slay your dragons. You are here to make peace with them. We are here to assist in this endeavour.” Most people would like to end the...

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Divine Surrender
Divine Surrender

As with the message that was uploaded on Boxing Day, I’ve been guided to share today’s message before the one that was channeled a few days ago. Maitreya is reminding me that unwinding and unravelling are both necessary steps in preparing us to surrender to the soul’s...

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A Prelude to Light
A Prelude to Light

Today’s channeling session pushed my boundaries and encouraged me to take a leap of faith. Knowing that I wanted to self-publish my first channeled book, A Tryst of Faith, by the end of this year and have encountered a number of unexpected delays, I was guided by El...

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Creating space
Creating space

Following is a transcription of yesterday’s channeling session, which left me feeling as though a great deal of movement is about to take place. If you’re ready to make changes and create some much needed space in your life, then I hope it inspires you to take action....

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Walking toward the soul’s ocean
Walking toward the soul’s ocean

If you’ve been following along with the storyline that has been unfolding and noticed an underlying trinity theme, this portion serves as a prelude to a trio of channeled messages, the first two of which were transcribed earlier today. I have been guided to post the...

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Christmas presence
Christmas presence

This morning’s message was deep and transformative, and left me feeling both hopeful and encouraged by Archangel Haniel’s presence and the gifts that she and the others who came forward bestowed. I hope the same holds true for you. Merry Christmas, everyone. Cherish...

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Shifting perspectives

This is a longer blog post than usual and contains two parts. If shifts have been occurring in your life and you intuitively feel divine guidance would be beneficial, then I hope you find these messages helpful. Namaste. 🌼 “I’m bringing the trinity with me,” announced...

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