If you’ve been resisting love or struggling to come to terms with the ending of a previous relationship—or both—then I hope this conversation with Maitreya helps you to view the relationship through a different lens.
“I believe the conversation will also benefit anyone who has been fighting against releasing past grudges and grievances in any form,” Maitreya then stated. “Some people seem to think that the soul will gently ignore the occasional harbouring of resentment, but nothing could be farther from the truth. The soul seeks to release any and all blockages that prevent the heart from experiencing the soul’s freedom as truth. The more you are willing to unearth old hurts and give them the healing salve they need, the more likely you will be able to plant seeds of new growth in their place. Remember that a refrigerator doesn’t keep the light on when the door is closed; it is meant to automatically turn on the moment the door is opened. Even the tiniest sliver of light can make a difference. The same holds true for an actual sliver in one’s finger. Remember the fable of the lion and the mouse who was willing to pull the thorn from the lion’s paw. It wasn’t rewarded with death, it was rewarded with gratitude. Perhaps it’s time to remove your own inner thorns so your inner child can be free from the hurt and pain you might be inadvertently holding onto. ‘All prayers are heard,’ is something you recently mentioned on a separate post on your personal timeline, and as you also remarked, ‘And if the only response you receive from God/Source/All-That-Is is SILENCE, then that’s exactly what you need. Peace is the answer.’ Of course, you know this because of the book that El Morya asked you to transcribe. That your friend is nearly finished reviewing the last draft of the manuscript and enthusiastically wishes to read it more than once speaks to the impact we would like millions of others to experience. As we have often heard the phrase ‘In a perfect world’ added before an ideal scenario, so would it be our ideal scenario that the book be witnessed in this year of Divine Recalibration, for it is in adjusting one’s internal vision that centering the mind and heart so they are able to align with the soul’s compensation that the rebalancing of the previous year can finally bear the fruit of what was desired. It is our intention to help. It always has been. Don’t go thinking you’re a ‘has been’ because the book is being published far later than you would have wanted. The timing, on a soul level, is absolutely perfect. Now, all you need is a willing audience. The more willing people are to surrender to the soul’s Divine enlightenment, the easier the ascension process will become. You are all here to learn and to grow. Some are not meant to integrate a tremendous amount of the soul’s light until a later lifetime. Rebalancing takes recalibration into account, and as the reverse also holds true, so must it be said that capturing a butterfly must be done in the gentlest of manners. It must also be done with the willingness to set it free after gazing upon the magnificence its internal transformation has provided. Do not overthink the recalibration process nor try to prevent it. It is as futile as preventing a caterpillar from surrendering to the alchemy that is both dreamed of and willingly embraced. Challenge yourselves to think of times when a situation turned out better because you didn’t receive what you had initially wanted. The path is part of the past, but it is also what is leading you to the future. It is in embracing that the direction you choose to following your mind that deters or attracts the soul’s light from entering the heart space. Would you not want to see what is there? Isn’t that the purpose of the all forgiving light that so many are seeking? The term ‘All is forgiven’ might seem tremendously foreign to those who have castigated themselves mercilessly, but as the soul knows, self-blame is not a soul worthy habit to create or instill in another. We are here to help people to ‘flip the script,’ as we’ve heard it referred to. Remember that a caterpillar’s first thought upon weaving its cocoon is not, What have I done? It’s, What will I be able to do when the magic and the mystery are allowed to unite as One? To those who are in the early stages of the path, please be patient with yourselves. To those who are here to lead others toward the soul’s freedom, have patience with those who still seek to ward it. Their time will come.”
“Thank you, Maitreya.”
“Our thanks to you, too, for sharing our words with those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and hearts that are open to receiving the soul’s love, care, attention, bliss, and freedom is a gift, as well. Remember that care and attention are often shunned by those who grew up feeling unworthy of being loved. That I wanted to talk to you about this speaks to the need for bliss and freedom by many who have grown weary of the trials and tribulations they have endured. Had Shakespeare not penned all the words he heard when the soul began to whisper words of alchemy that needed to be seen as well as acted out in plays, people would not have experienced great tragedies through the eyes of characters who were completely fictitious. Yet aren’t these human conditions that millions of people can relate to? Wouldn’t it be much more fair for the soul to grant access to the answers so that millions can end their personal struggles or at least ease them to the point where they no longer fear all the soul seeks to offer? Celebrate this transition! we would tell the caterpillar. You will be able to experience so much more when you do. Is it not in offering a way through that a way out will also be provided? Cleanse the lenses of your internal vision. Remember that the wider a road is, the more people will be able to travel on it simultaneously, allowing others to merge when needed, and yield when the signs are clear that greater attention is required. And even if the path is narrow and few seek to follow, the more natural and organic the path is going to feel beneath the feet of those who are willing to wander and wonder, as the Universe reveals mystery after mystery after mystery. It takes very little to change mastery to mystery and vice versa. Sometimes the answers are black and white. Sometimes the world is meant to be seen in full colour. But the only way anything can be seen at all is if light is added. If your inner realm is willing to have the light turned on, the soul’s abundance can easily be given. Would you not want this for yourself? We hope the answer is yes. All prayers are heard. Let your inner realm ask for the best answer, and embrace the silence your heart needs if that is what is provided in response. All prayers are heard. Please let this echo within and take back your power instead of giving it away. The moment you do, you will be shining a light on obstacles and doorways that are needed for the soul to show you the answers that are lying beneath or behind them. Embrace the light! That freedom is the answer will always be given when What does my heart need to experience? is requested, so must it also be said that daylight is the most optimal time to travel when obstacles are the first to be revealed. Do not dam the elements. Work with the obstacles, instead. For as a rock can redirect a stream, so can a boulder redirect an entire river. It is your choice to determine whether a detour did, in fact, lead to the best possible outcome. Use your intuition wisely. It is a gift from the soul. That concludes today’s message.”
“But what about our conversation?” the young girl asked.
“Those who are willing to be led will follow. Those who prefer to be spiritual lead might very well be the ones concealing the greatest of mysteries. Add light! Darkness already knows its days are numbered, metaphorically speaking. An entryway can also be an exit. It is entirely up to you to determine which direction you wish to travel.”
~ Channeled January 18, 2020
“Water, water, everywhere …”
“Hey, a message already began with that phrase a few weeks ago,” the young girl said to the Elohim. “Give me something different, please.”
“Very well, then. Trust in the process.”
“People already know that,” the cynic commented.
“What would you like us to tell you?” the Elohim asked. “Do you need to know the answers to everything? A little mystery often sparks inquisition. Now, as far as the actual Spanish Inquisition was concerned, suffice it to say that some people wanted the answers to be something different from what they were. The same holds true today. If the answer to the question of whether you are meant to meet the love of your life is given a ‘maybe,’ would that prompt you to give up or question what you need to correct in order to shift the answer closer to ‘yes’? Perhaps there is a part of you that still distrusts love.”
The woman pondered the Elohim’s remarks and tried to envision falling in love again, and then she remembered a dream she had had the previous evening in which the love affair had ended.
“Many years later,” Maitreya observed.
“But I looked younger when I was shown the version of myself that was single again.”
“Perhaps it’s because you’re unwilling to let love go,” said Maitreya. “Looking at your history, you have held on to love when you knew, deep down, that you could’ve found a partner who was a better fit for you. That said, each partner you’ve had helped you to evolve. Lessons learned—even the hard way—are better than avoiding the lesson altogether. If you were to declare your evolution as being more important than any potential disappointment you might encounter, then your evolution has no choice but to bolster your confidence.”
“Not necessarily,” the woman argued.
“That’s because you’re not looking at this through a clearer lens. It would take a few hours to sort through your history to make sense of the challenges you’ve encountered, but you’ve worn a mask in many of your relationships. When you revealed your authentic self, you somehow felt rejected, am I correct?”
“Bingo,” said the cynic.
“And yet, when you have not done so, you consciously or unconsciously tried to manipulate your self-expression to ensure a successful outcome. Did you not sacrifice your evolution in the process, not to mention your inner happiness?”
“What is wrong with our world?” the young girl asked. “Why can’t people just be kind?”
“It isn’t that easy,” Maitreya said. “As much as I would like it to be.”
“I’m surprised to hear you saying that,” the fool said. “I always thought kindness was worthwhile.”
“Not if it means putting up with abusive treatment beforehand and silencing your authentic expression immediately afterward. Some people hold onto grudges long after an abusive encounter and inflict pain in order to retaliate when it isn’t warranted. What is needed in today’s society is a band of light surrounding each person.”
“I don’t understand,” replied the fool. “I can see a band of light around someone whenever his or her energy is clear.”
“My point precisely. If people have harboured resentment or anger in any form, that band of light is weakened and draws circumstances and encounters toward the person which match the vibration. This is not a punishment. It is simply the soul’s way of pointing to the energetic imbalances so they can be clarified. Masking authentic expression will not make the Universe suddenly stand up and say, Well, it looks like old Charlie here has finally gotten the lesson. The Universe does not lie. People do, unfortunately, but that’s ultimately an individual choice. Some learn to lie early on in order to survive and it becomes so second nature to them that they barely even notice when they’re doing it.”
“I’m guilty of doing that from time to time,” the troll suddenly admitted. “But I’d never do it to hurt someone else, only to deflect further pain or disappointment. I hereby resolve never to do that again.”
“Good plan,” the cynic said. “Frankly, I want to see the woman happy in a romantic relationship.”
“I’m still afraid,” said the woman. “I don’t really understand why.”
“Perhaps you don’t need to overthink it. Perhaps you simply need to embrace the idea of being pampered from time to time, just to prove to yourself that you’re worthy of receiving love. Sometimes you tend to over-give because you’re projecting unworthiness.”
“It’s difficult to tell where that line begins and ends, though,” the troll stated.
“Let me help you,” the young girl said, polishing the band of light that surrounded her. “Can you see me clearly now?”
“I could see you clearly before.”
“Look deeper, then,” the young girl urged the troll. “What do you wish you could correct?”
“I can’t correct the past.”
“My point precisely.”
“Thank you,” Maitreya said. “You’ve expressed exactly what many are unwilling to hear. In retrospect, the ego would like all things to be ‘perfect.’ The soul’s idea of ‘perfection’ rests in clarification, so if clarification in a situation is warranted or required in order for emotional and mental harmony to be obtained and maintained, then the idea of partnering can be seen through the eyes of ‘perfection,’ rather than inquisition from an ego’s perspective. I can’t correct the outcome of any given situation. No one can do that for anyone else. What the soul can do, however, is shine a light on areas where the ego might be turning a blind eye. Rest in the knowledge that the soul’s gift to you—or to anyone, for that matter—is to act in favour of love on a broader scale. While boundaries are important, Andromeda remarked quite some time ago that there is a difference between a boundary and a barrier. If you are willing to release your barriers to love, then challenge yourself to remove your expectations about how another should behave and come to the table with a vow to be authentic in all of your dealings with yourself and others. This is freedom in action. It is a state of awareness that doesn’t come with a price tag, although it might cost you a relationship or two along the way. Is that not your soul’s way of pointing you in the direction of freedom? Allow endings to be new beginnings, and new beginnings to be embraced with a sense of wonder, not a sense of cynicism. If clarity is desired, ask for it to be placed at the forefront in your dealings with another. If there is an unwillingness to meet you on this level playing field, then trust that finding an ally is better than fighting an opponent. In situations such as this, the other person is revealing an inner barrier to love and authenticity, and if you’re willing to shake hands and express gratitude for this redirection, you will find a much more harmonious partner later on down the road. It is futile to say that a relationship is meant to last forever on a human scale. Immortality is not seen as a viable option on a physical level, which is why the soul recycles. It would be worthwhile for people to read Dr. Brian Weiss’s book, Many Lives, Many Masters. It would help to alleviate a tremendous amount of discomfort and distrust in the soul’s agenda.”
“I’ve already read it,” the woman said.
“Then you still believe in love, because that’s exactly why you and I have become friends. While it’s taken you a long time to truly trust me, perhaps it is in releasing your own barriers to love that the Elohim has been able to communicate to and through you. Many mediums are only able to communicate with departed loved ones. Your gift was given to you because of your desire to assist others in alleviating their heartache and pain. This was especially clear when you were involved with the man Melchizedek asked you to leave behind. That the man retaliated spoke to his own distrust in his inner realm, which you continually pointed to. If the phrase ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ is thought to be a global Universal truth, then those who believe that statement haven’t encountered someone who has neglected his or her inner realm. Melchizedek asked you to leave him so that you could learn how to rebalance your own inner scales and set peace at the forefront of your inner desires. This makes sense, doesn’t it? I do recognize that this is already known, but can you integrate it on a level that solidifies your soul’s need for clarity being an act of kindness, not an act of disharmony or cruelty?”
“Of course!” the troll declared, setting his walking stick into the ground, directly beside the boulder that often accompanied images of him in the woman’s third eye. The troll then sat on the boulder and pondered his next move. “I don’t’ know what to do now. I’m sorry. I’ve tried.”
“Then that is an authentic expression. Perhaps people need to come to terms with the fact that they’ve done all they could to make a relationship work. If you’re sacrificing your own sanity or happiness to steady your nerves, then the boulder you’ve been sitting on might as well be directly on your chest. The heart needs to be seen and heard. That concludes this morning’s lesson.”
“Thank you,” the young girl said, making a few notes in her journal and drawing a single flower to honour the signs that were given from her paternal grandmother, who guided her to embrace her inner light at a time when the darkness was almost too much to bear.
~ Channeled January 16, 2020
Journaling recommendation:
Remember a time when a situation—whether it was a relationship or an event—didn’t go as you had wanted. Journal to discover the lesson your soul was trying to teach you through this experience. What resentments are you still holding onto? Journal without editing yourself and trust that doing so will help you to create a stronger connection with your soul, not erect a barrier between the two. There is nothing the soul has not seen or known, and the clearer your inner filter is, the more light will flow to the places where healing is needed. Buy a highlighter and highlight the blessings that were given to you. Let your ego vent for as long as is needed, and ask your heart what is needed if a similar situation presented itself. Take a few deep breaths and acknowledge your bravery for this endeavour. Drink a tall glass of cool, clear water while mindfully adding a brief mantra, “I am willing to release all that no longer serves me.” Be willing to repeat this habit a few times per week and keep track of the emotions that come up. Use your journal as a sounding board. Do not try to “think it through” using only your mind. This is an active release, and the blessings will be visually evident, which helps to silence an inner critic or cynic who might not have come to terms with the blessings the soul is seeking to reveal.
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