For those of you who are feeling abandoned or forgotten this Christmas Day, please trust that all of us within this realm are here to receive your concerns for your self-care. It is for this reason that you are stating you feel neglected, although you might not come to this realization right away. Simply trust that focusing on self-care will help you to feel better.

Although the temptation to distract yourself with activities that numb your feelings, please ask one of us to accompany you on a journaling session. Calmly state at the top what you’re truly feeling and allow the words delivered in your own hand on the remainder of the page to slowly trickle into the areas within that are in need of the comfort and self-care that your heart is seeking. You would not be feeling abandoned or forgotten, were you to be focusing on your inner wants, needs, and desires—and, more particularly, how your inner child views what you have declared is an adequate replacement for the love that he or she did not receive. Do not chastise yourself if a tear or two comes as a result. Welcome the opportunity to nourish your soul’s garden and use this time to help cultivate a bountiful paradise that you can escape to whenever the world seems too overwhelming. It is here that you will be able to plant the seeds for new growth, new opportunities, and new perspectives that are certain to arise, just as the sun does, each and every morning without fail.

We know this isn’t quite the Christmas message that some of you were expecting, but I wanted to share this on our realm’s behalf because we see the imbalance within the world that could easily be corrected, were compassion and understanding to be placed at the forefront.

During the coming year, many of you will feel an unburdening, which has started earlier for some than for others. Those of you who have been resisting this unburdening will continue to feel the weight of the mistruths your mind has been encouraging your heart to carry. Would it not be better if your mind encouraged your heart to lighten the load that is clearly not desired or required? Would it not be better to abandon or forget the times when sadness occupied your mind and make a concerted effort to recall all the times when you felt the lightness and joy your soul was seeking to provide?

You are learning to let go, Dear Ones. Please trust that the unburdening process will strengthen your connection to your soul’s light.

We understand how difficult it can be to simply walk away from the past and salute the future with a willing hand. If you can easily imagine this, then you can easily imagine letting go of the clothing, household items that you seldom use, and trinkets that could easily be sold so that a brighter dream can begin to take form. You will be co-creating with Source during this process. Utilize this partnership to your best advantage. Please challenge yourselves to take a good, hard look—or perhaps a good, gentle look—at your home and environment and use the coming two months to resolutely comb through your personal belongings to assist your heart in the unburdening process. Within a very short period of time, you are likely to feel overcome with relief when you begin to notice the results of this endeavour.

We also understand that many find comfort in clutter, and we know where this stems from for many of you. Suffice it to say that journaling will help to unclutter your minds. Do not fear that your soul will misjudge you. Many have been taught to fear the soul’s love and light. Do not listen to them, for they misunderstand the true meaning of the soul’s love and the purity of its light, which can cast out all darkness when it is allowed to enter.

Oh come, all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant!

Sing the praises of your souls, Dear Ones.

We are celebrating with you this Christmas Day, and are always near, if you are seeking someone console you. Invite us in. We are here to make your journeys easier, encourage you to alleviate your burdens, and fill your lives with the joy your soul is seeking to give to you in exchange for the unwelcome darkness that your heart is no longer seeking to carry.

Bring to us your inner children. Guide them by the hand and inquire whether a new beginning is desired.

How can you clap or clasp your hands in brotherhood and sisterhood if you are holding onto the debris of the past? How can you guide your inner child if you are unwilling to let go of what no longer serves you?

Challenge yourself to watch your favourite Christmas cartoon from your childhood. We see a lightness in many of you who have watched the transformation made by the Grinch and hope you will see that his openness to love is what freed him from the misery he had come to know as truth. Forgive yourselves for believing that the soul would burden you with more than you could handle. Please recognize that the burdens were simply being pointed to, and only a single question needs to be answered for this lightening to begin.

“What is the question?” you might be wondering.

“What is the answer you are seeking?” your soul might cryptically reply.

In truth, there is only one answer, as corny or cliché as it might seem.

Love is the answer.

Be brave enough to embrace the soul’s love and cast aside old definitions that do not serve the New You, for you are reborn each and every day, after your soul takes a brief sojourn and beckons you to follow so you can explore the vastness of the realms that cannot be attained during waking hours. Allow this awakening to signal your desire to embrace compassion, mercy, and forgiveness, both toward yourselves and others.

We are watching over you and send you our deepest love and gratitude for taking the time to integrate our teachings. We have come here today to give you this blessing on your soul’s behalf. We hope you will find it worth opening.

On behalf of the Universal Council of Light,

I Am Maitreya

~ Channeled December 25, 2019