This message was channeled in honour of International Women’s Day. May we all cherish and embrace the importance of the Divine Feminine that exists within everyone.


A unique gift was bestowed upon our scribe in September 2001. It was written about in the channeled manuscript, A Tryst of Faith, and discussed in greater detail than what I wish to mention today. The gift was also provided toward the end of a tumultuous, largely one-sided relationship with someone who seemed more interested in “playing” her than getting to know her more intimately.

What if you were given a second chance to make things right? What if you had to lay your ego aside and step outside of the portion of your mind that resented the other person for making it clear that leaving him wasn’t an acceptable alternative (as you had been stalked over the course of a number of years and then robbed) so that you could rebuild the relationship from a place of awareness of who the person is, flaws and all? Would you do it? What if your first instance of Divine Intervention started with the words, “If you don’t leave him, you will die”? What if your paternal grandmother pleaded for you to leave him and you resisted the recommendations over the course of a handful of months until the final straw would happen out of the blue and you decided you really couldn’t take it anymore?

From February 2002 until early 2004, our scribe’s life was quiet. A unique circumstance ended in the life of the man she was guided to leave behind and he returned to make his presence known—albeit indirectly. After her mother committed suicide later that year (which I warned her of in January concurrently with El Morya suggesting she prepare to move), our scribe was guided to move in with her stepfather to help him to adjust to life without the woman he vowed to protect.

How would you like us to rewrite this story? Would you like us to tell you that a fairytale ending was provided? What if you were warned that if you tried to save a drowning man you would, in turn, lose everything that you had worked so hard to hold onto? What if a new beginning started for him because Maitreya took it upon himself to share a few special messages with this elusive mate who never took our scribe’s side during a time of extreme postoperative pain to set his energetic field right? What if he then finally chose to give up drugs, a life of recklessness, and find love in the form of a long lost friend who he then married?

Over the course of the three years that followed the intervention, our scribe was asked to write down, word for word, a little over 33 chapters of our words, interspersed with a storyline that is effortlessly woven within them. When A Tryst of Faith is self-published later this year, this particular ending will not be included as it had not yet occurred.

It would take at least an hour per day for a number of months to delve deeply into the subconscious mind of almost everyone. And yet, over the course of the past several years, one or more members from the next realm (as we don’t tend to refer to our realm as the “Other Side”) has connected with our scribe during what she refers to as her “morning channeling sessions.” This message is being transcribed during one such session.

You might ask yourself why an Ascended Master (as we are often referred to) would relay such an intimate adventure within messages from our realm, and the message is threefold:

  1. Many are in need of healing;
  2. Many have yet to leave abusive or self-abusive relationships for one reason or another; and
  3. The next realm has been watching over humanity for well over 2,020 years.

In the shadows of the Earth
Many days and nights pass
With a child longing for a chance to speak
Of the things that caused her to bury
All the wounds she had yet to turn into gold

A Tryst of Faith is a story about reclaiming that inner child. It is our hope that you will remember the following quote and tuck it into a back pocket somewhere for safekeeping. This quote is one of our scribe’s personal additions that we chose to include in the book:

Only man measures time
Only when man can measure eternity
Can he measure love

The same holds true for women.

Rise up, all who are called to speak in the name of the heart’s truth. Through your voice and your courage, others will also be called to find the freedom you have been seeking. Unite in brotherhood and sisterhood, no matter what your religious or cultural differences might be, and support the greater glory offered by the souls of each and every one of you. This is known as the Path. This is known as the Way. This is the Path and the Way to freedom.

Call upon your mighty I Am Presence and relinquish attachment to all the illusions that you might have been taught to bear and chose to maintain because you did not yet know that your soul was calling to you to be heard. Is your inner child making the same request? Are you ready to make the commitment to absolve yourself of the so-called “sins of the past” and make a pact to reclaim and proclaim the soul as your Divine Light? Are you willing to accept that this in no way means you are being forced to relinquish whatever spiritual or religious mantras that bring comfort to you? Let it be said, however, that the truth of God, Source, or All That Is—which will never separate itself from the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine or create an artificial hierarchy that places men before women—will only become stronger within those who no longer accept the Old Ways in lieu of a New Path that my son attempted to lay, much like the Buddha attempted to lay before him a few thousand years before.

Please be willing to shine a light on areas where correction is required. Your inner child might be covering his or her mouth in order to prevent a scream, but chances are you already feel it as discomfort somewhere within your body.

Honour your inner call to heal. There is no path that will lead itself away from the soul’s Light unless your inner child has chosen to hide there for fear of the soul’s redemption and healing. A Tryst of Faith will show you the Way in its own unique way, and it was written to help those who have yet to step into the soul’s Light for salvation.

That concludes today’s message.

In celebration of International Women’s Day, we extend our Love and Light each of you today.

I Am the Divine Mother,

~ Channeled March 8, 2020