Following is a channeled message from Maitreya. I hope it inspires you to take a broader view of your souls unique and miraculous adventure.


There was a story included in one of the posts that was uploaded last weekend entitled “Wishing upon a star.” For those who have read it, you will recall it involved the young girl encountering a young boy at the edge of the Dark Side. While we wouldn’t normally point readers to an older version of themselves and ask them to look back on their lives to see what they would correct if they could, we have recently chosen to borrow from the storyline of A Tryst of Faith and include the pre-birth time known as the “time between time” to assist readers in healing wounds that have remained hidden but continue to directly impact how trauma is coped with, not to mention dead ends, which are often referred to by our scribe as “you-turns in disguise.”

Your lives aren’t as sheltered from darkness as you might expect, and while stating this might startle the bravest of the brave, you have all experienced a lifetime in which darkness was more prevalent. It might also surprise you to know that, locked within your cellular memory is an area where brief portions of past life memories are collected by your soul so they can be drawn upon during an incarnation. Some of our stories have triggered these memories. In the case of today’s story, which was transcribed on February 20, 2020, the reader is taken to the other side of the forest wall. While you are reading this, you will be observing a brief scene through a sacred veil which will prevent you from intermingling with the energies of the Dark Side, yet will give you an idea of how the interaction between the young girl and young boy impacted each of them.

While A Tryst of Faith does not include the young boy’s character or the man that Melchizedek asked our scribe to leave behind (being that the book is based on a true story, after all), you can be certain we would have no difficulty adding depth and mystery to a person’s pre-birth story, given that much more exists beneath the surface than what many might anticipate—or be comfortable with on a consistent basis, for that matter, although some have been exposed to more darkness than light—until, of course, a “you-turn” is encountered.

If your life circumstances are such that you are faced with taking a leap of faith and are scared of falling, it would serve you well to know that the wings of the soul exist, just as Archangel Gabriel’s magnetic energy is often perceived clairvoyantly as being wing-like in the archangel’s auric field. As many know, Archangel Gabriel will often present himself as more masculine than feminine, although the truth is, he/she is both, just as the soul of every human being also contains an aspect of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.

Humans have been told a story about how God exists as purely masculine in nature. Please bear in mind that Biblical stories were told by humans, many of whom were under strict orders to maintain societal order at the sake of establishing a true connection with his or her Godself. To that end, it must also be stated that even the briefest of reviews of the Gospel of Mary, the Gospel of Mary Magdalene, or the Nag Hammadi would reveal areas where some inconsistencies would be painfully obvious, especially to those who still struggle with opening their minds to a more expansive view of the soul. It would be difficult to describe this expansion without experiencing it, which is one of the reasons why vicarious views such as today’s story—and A Tryst of Faith, of course—were written. I would also like to remind readers that none of the messages were created by our scribe as an author. She is merely performing her duties and also taking a similar detached view so she can integrate our teachings, just as you are. This has taken time and a sincere commitment to rebalance her own inner archetypal energies; as such, it goes without saying that the cynic would have a voice and that a person’s inner child would have an extremely broad and deep “repertoire of acknowledgment,” given the soul contract our scribe made during the time between time. She is by no means perfect, as her private morning channeling sessions (which are similarly transcribed) clearly attest.

Don’t think for a moment that we didn’t struggle with martyrdom or victimhood during any number of our previous incarnations. Like you, we were once students on a journey toward enlightenment. Anyone who believes it is a straight path has not endured even the briefest of metaphorical or literal detours, including affairs, abortions, drug addiction, job changes, friendships suddenly unraveling without explanation or warning, and the like. I am not saying that our scribe experienced all of these. I am leaving out one and a portion of another. If it would help you to understand how expansive the soul’s true nature can be and is, look at how many people have endured alcoholism and addiction (as it exists in multiple forms) and inspired another to turn his or her life around. Look at those who have endured emotional abuse at the hands of a parent or spouse who struggled with addiction, and you can be certain that person’s inner child did whatever he or she thought was necessary to protect him- or herself from further pain, disappointment, or any number of painful feelings as a result of the experiences his or her soul determined would be required during the incarnation being experienced in order to assist in karmic rebalancing. All experiences contribute to the expansion of All That Is. Some experiences contribute to the expansion and healing of others, simply because they resonated with an aspect of the direct lesson that served to plant a seed for future growth.

Karma does not play favourites. It is a Law that is strictly adhered to by the soul and is, in effect, one of the reasons why hardships are endured. They could be considered detours during which multiple gifts can be obtained, should a person be willing to look.

If I were to weave in a martyr or a victim into today’s particular storyline, neither would have a place. Do you have an explorer or adventurer within who seeks to understand the mysteries of the soul? Stories such as this one are a way of attempting to explain that a simple dialogue between a young boy and the eventual older version of himself—being that the incarnation had yet to occur but the energetic imprint was already in existence—would set into motion a powerful combination of soul energies that, were they to pull each other into their respective worlds, would ensure chaos and destruction would immediately follow—at least after the “honeymoon phase” was over.

Our scribe is not permitted to reveal the name of the man she left behind or the man she met in Mexico, who formed part of the spectrum of external and internal awareness that the woman’s character in A Tryst of Faith had yet to come to terms with, following the intervention by Melchizedek and her paternal grandmother. As you can imagine, it is still a bit challenging for our scribe to move on with her life and allow a new romantic partner to enter the stage, given that her personal experiences with men have left much to be desired; yet, we have advised her that the next man she is meant to meet lives directly west of her. There is a reason why we are being so specific, and it has everything to do with asking her to be on the lookout for someone whose pre-birth arrangement similarly involved encountering a unique and soulful woman who simply wants to help others to heal. This is where our combined wish is in complete harmony. As for a person’s incomplete harmony, suffice it to say that if you are still sifting through the aftermath of a so-called “failed” relationship, trust that he or she offered a hidden gift that you might not have yet discovered. This is one of the reasons why journaling is imperative.

So, before I close this message off and allow the brief story to unfold, I would like to ask Archangel Gabriel, whose captioned message has been included in the header, whether he wishes to share any further comments (being that the archangel has chosen to express a more masculine nature today).

“The message is best explained by taking the vicarious viewpoint you discussed. I would like to ask readers to begin preparing for a strong influx of energy that might not be evident at the outset of this reading, but has been entering their auric fields and slowly trickling down from the crown chakra to the heart. Please try to journal after you read this, as you are bound to have a few insights that speak to you. You might have already even come to terms with the idea that some relationships are or were destined to be extremely brief and yet intensely powerful, catapulting you from where you were to where you are now. Most of you would be able to travel to this pre-birth time during guided meditations with a hypnotherapist. May we make a book recommendation to prove to you that a noted psychiatrist has experienced so-called ‘proof of reincarnation’ by explaining it through anonymous stories? I are speaking of Dr. Brian Weiss’s books. We also recommend The Afterlife of Billy Fingers by Annie Kagan, which is a true to life accounting of the messages she received from her departed brother as he worked through the aftermath of his own death, proving to her that he had never forgotten the kindnesses she expressed, as well as the pain that he had caused others because of his reckless lifestyle. May you all trust that, as we have heard many repeat, ‘No act of love, however small, is ever wasted.’ And so it is.”

I Am,



“Tell me the story about Little Red Riding Hood again,” the young boy said to the man on the Dark Side. “She reminds me of the young girl I recently met at the edge of the wall.”

“Keep your distance,” the man cautioned.

“Why? She’s the one who should be afraid of us, not the other way around.”

“When the light comes, all of us will disappear.”

“Don’t you mean if?” asked the young boy.

“No, it’s a matter of when, not if, and if things go the way I think they will, not only will I be able to lure her onto our side a few times, but she’ll have a hard time finding her way back to the light.”

“Don’t tell me that. They need the young girl,” said the young boy, remembering how happy she was when he handed her a single daisy.

“Don’t get too attached,” the man urged the young boy. “It’s because of you that I’m in trouble. None of them will want me back if you do what I think you’re planning.”

“Leave? But the light looks so inviting. I can see it on the other side of the wall.”

“None of them trust us, you know. It’ll always be that way.”

“Maybe we’re the ones who are meant to trust them,” the young boy answered. “Aren’t you looking forward to reuniting with the woman again? She’s your ‘twin flame,’ from what I’ve heard.”

The man sat with the young boy’s question and said, “Something tells me it’ll be the last time we see each other for a very long. Things weren’t always like this and I never thought they’d separate us, much less ask us to start planning another reunion. Maybe she needs one last dose of darkness so she can stand in her true power.”

“Do you see this?” the Elohim asked the woman, taking her to the wishing well and revealing the scenario to her.

“What time is it?” she replied.

“The time will always be Now,” said Archangel Gabriel, who then asked her to pick up her journal and transcribe a brief message.

“I’m ready,” she said.

“I know,” the Archangel stated. “That’s why I’m saying this today.”

There will come a time in the lives of all men and women when their actions and their mistreatments of themselves and others will be set to a bar that automatically readjusts itself to accommodate the lessons that were learned and the behaviours that benefited others at the expense of the self. Martyrdom is not the same as selflessness, but it must not be mixed with the ego, which will often choose to boast about this philanthropic effort or that, depending on the level of notoriety the person hopes to achieve by bragging about donating a car, money, or land to one charity or another. And yet, I have chosen these three things because they are all interrelated, even though only one is truly needed.

We have observed the advances humanity has made, some of which were directly inspired by members of our realm. Self-studying esoteric psychology might not appeal to most humans, but it is the understanding of soul consciousness that lends itself to rebalancing the scales in every single area of a person’s life, right down to the way a person tends to his or her fingernails.

Life has a way of catching up to those who tend to run away from it, and it is not that there are so many demons lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce on this character flaw or that personal imperfection that society seems to abhor in those who are deemed the most beautiful or handsome among you, but that those demons might very well be archetypes within that are afraid of being exposed and seen clearly in the soul’s light.

We cannot correct the imbalances within the people who seek to find flaws in others but have yet to self-adjust and tend to the flaws within, which are merely areas that are out of balance.

Isn’t it amazing that an Archangel would tell you this? Isn’t it a miracle that you’re able to read a word or two that points to the very answers so many are wishing for but might not be willing to receive?

When did it become another person’s responsibility to tend to your own garden on your behalf? Are those weeds not a manifestation of a belief system that is showing you the very thing that is lurking beneath the surface, calling out for your attention? How many times do you wish a different answer to be provided when you know, deep down, that the answers lie within? It isn’t that the lies answer within, even though, to an overwhelmed mind, those distortions might be painfully clear, but it’s that you must be the one who questions the answers and answers the questions, as well as vice versa.

Do not fall prey to the darkness within another, for they are the ones who are afraid of challenging themselves to step into the soul’s light.

In freedom’s name,

I Am the Archangel Gabriel.

The woman then closed her journal and thanked them for providing her with a rare glimpse of the time between time.

~ Channeled February 20, 2020