This morning’s channeling session started off with a brief conversation, followed by a message from a guide I haven’t heard from for a while. I hope you enjoy what he has to share.


“Clever,” Maitreya remarked, causing the woman to think of what she had done.

“What? I don’t understand.”

“No, I mean it. You are very, very clever, making up all of these words.”

“You know I don’t make them up, Maitreya. I’m a scribe, not a writer.”

“That’s what I know; it’s not what some might have been thinking.”

“I honestly don’t think I’m all that clever, anyway,” stated the woman.

“Oh, you most certainly can be—or perhaps the correct word is ‘creative.’”

“That’s more like it,” concurred the cynic. “What are you getting at?”

“Why didn’t anyone ask questions when the Council offered to answer them?” the young girl inquired.

“People will question the answers and answer the questions when they want to.”

“Why did I suddenly think of a ferris wheel?” asked the woman. “I haven’t been to an amusement park in absolutely ages. The last time I went, I took my niece. I don’t think she was any more than six or seven years old. I felt like a different person back then—in fact, I know I was.”

“A lot of people don’t think you’ve changed. Others can’t relate to you at all now,” Maitreya declared.

“Then they haven’t been paying attention,” the cynic said.

“That’s not very kind,” remarked the Queen, who had been observing the woman’s organizational progress.

“I know, I know—I still have a lot to do,” the woman admitted.

“Today will be as productive of a day as you want it to be.”

“Here’s hoping,” the young girl said, crossing her fingers.

“Salad, salad everywhere—but wait? You don’t have any,” teased the Queen.

“I have vegetables to roast.”

“Good. Experiment with a new poultry recipe and also experiment with shifting a few things around. You’ll feel much better if you start organizing your office closet first. You can always sort your paperwork on your dining room table. It won’t take as long as you might think.”

“Not again,” the cynic groaned, looking at the time.

“What time is it?” the fool asked.

“It’s time for a new guide,” Maitreya said. “I have a list of people who have stated they wish to come forward. Ganesh immediately leapt to the forefront.”

“Are you ready?” Ganesh asked.

“I Am,” said the young girl.

“I believe you just said two of the most magical words to ever exist!” Ganesh laughed. “Let’s begin.”


I Am Ganesh.

Research me if you like and you will come across an entertaining fable about how I was created. I have been revered for many, many hundreds of years. I have been called the Remover of Obstacles, among other titles, and some of you think I might actually be magical—as if a deity could be! I Am merely practiced at facing my innermost desires and unblocking the belief system that was preventing me from achieving a specific goal or desired outcome. Have I always been successful? Heavens, no! But I have also come to understand that obstacles themselves have value, and their hidden value is what I came here to discuss today.

Not everyone will want to read what I have to tell them, and I am going to repeat this a handful of times so that you can see a number of obstacles, almost like visual logs, in a manner of speaking. Let’s begin this process now.

Not everyone will want to read what I have to tell them, and I am going to repeat this a handful of times so that you can see a number of obstacles, almost like visual logs, in a manner of speaking. Let’s begin this process now.

Not everyone will want to read what I have to tell them, and I am going to repeat this a handful of times so that you can see a number of obstacles, almost like visual logs, in a manner of speaking. Let’s begin this process now.

Not everyone will want to read what I have to tell them, and I am going to repeat this a handful of times so that you can see a number of obstacles, almost like visual logs, in a manner of speaking. Let’s begin this process now.

Not everyone will want to read what I have to tell them, and I am going to repeat this a handful of times so that you can see a number of obstacles, almost like visual logs, in a manner of speaking. Let’s begin this process now.

Not everyone will want to read what I have to tell them, and I am going to repeat this a handful of times so that you can see a number of obstacles, almost like visual logs, in a manner of speaking. Let’s begin this process now.

Should I add two more? No, that’s quite enough, on second thought.

So, let’s delve right in.

Declarations are forms of vision statements.

The first visual log could be thought of as a declaration, and you might be thinking, “Oh, great. More negativity and repetition! Just what I need. Not!” Oh, I do like your sayings! Some of you have told the Universe what you don’t want and are then surprised when it is provided. You must think we’re all playing tricks on you. I Am here to tell you that we aren’t. No one “up here” is a puppet master. I Am not going to say we’re “down here,” because we aren’t. The term “up here” has more to do with a higher energetic frequency, and it would be a mistruth to proclaim that obtaining a higher level of self-awareness will make you an Avatar, for it will not. Many people manifest without even having one iota of training as an Adept. A “boss” is one such person.

Now, I Am here to remind you that you cannot boss another person around without suffering some sort of energetic payback. This is not what some will want to hear, but bossing another around—even scolding in a menacing tone—has more to do with an outer expression of an unmet inner need. Focus on your needs and then determine if there is a better way of expressing what you most desire. This is my recommendation. Take it for what it’s worth.

Let me unpack another pearl of wisdom for you.

Oh, and you’ve probably already forgotten about those visual logs for a short time, haven’t you? Let’s place a pearl on a log and see. You will need to imagine this to make it work.

“How did the pearl get there?” some might be wondering. “You imagined it there,” is all I have to tell them. “So you are already an Avatar in one short example.” What if I were to suddenly make our scribe—or, rather, “this” scribe, to which I would also like to add that I Am known to be a patron of scribes, for their agreed to soul purpose is to play a very important role in humanity’s awakening—think of sushi? Some might think, “How unusual! I can’t imagine Ganesha eating that.” (And, yes, I Am still known as “Ganesha,” as well as another name that some might have difficulty pronouncing: Vinayaka Chaturthi. I like “Ganesh,” quite frankly. That is my name; that is my preference.) Now where was I? Sushi. Or perhaps I should discuss self-preferences. You are all self-directed—at least, you are meant to be.

I could wax poetic about a number of topics, but now I want you to practice something else. I want you to imagine taking a stick of driftwood and pretend you are playing golf with this precious pearl that is sitting atop the log. Why did you imagine you must need to be standing directly in front of it? Why not float above it and demand that the pearl cooperate? Why would you want to bash a pearl around—or yourself, for that matter?

Music is a gift. It is an energetic pearl of sorts; yet, some listen to the same type of music each and every day, not thinking to flip the switch and listen to the voice or sound of silence.

I would like to display something for you, and I would like you to imagine holding this precious tome in your hands. It is a few short lines from this scribe’s first manuscript, A Tryst of Faith, which I Am pleased to mention is so close to the “finish line” as you would call it that only another month or so is required to pull it all together. This is from Chapter 1, which is entitled, “The Council begins with the Counsel” (clever title, I might add—there are many more like it):

            “The words of the Council have been spoken to many messengers throughout the centuries of man’s existence. Some have given these words no voice. Some have given the voice to the ego. Most often, the voice within has been silenced by the ego, or the ego has taken ownership of the voice. What is needed is for the voice to be heard.

It is the voice of silence.

It is within this silence that man will hear what he needs the most: his heart.”

How many of you have asked for Divine Intervention? How many of you have crossed paths with a violent criminal and fallen in love with him or her? It would take nothing short of Divine Intervention (which could also be thought of as a miracle) to extract yourself if you were convinced that you could help this person heal his or her inner child, wouldn’t it? Okay, so perhaps he wasn’t always violent nor was he always a criminal, but some people portray themselves as having ideal qualities while deftly masking entirely different aspects of their personas. Still, love is love and soul contracts are exactly what they are meant to be: opportunities to heal obstacles to love.

And so this goes back to the visual logs. Or perhaps we should heal inner obstacles to love, instead.

How many of you have encountered another person and felt an instant attraction or repulsion to that person? Karma, as it is said, is a bit of a female dog, although not in quite those words. Yet, a dog will go into heat and find another dog to be a willing accomplice for their respective pleasure. I Am not promoting humans adopt this approach, but I do want people to remember this very important lesson:

Sexuality is sacred.

Your physical body could be thought of as a chalice containing Divine Source Energy, and if you pour toxic energy into this chalice, it will negatively affect your emotional and mental bodies, as well. Do you want this for yourself? (I Am hoping your answer will be an emphatic and immediate, “No,” to which I would applaud this choice.)

Remember that you are a physical manifestation of Divine Source Energy and, during this particular and unique temporary human experience (which is one of many), you are able to magnetize people who are unwilling to go where you would like them to go on a physical, emotional, or mental levelor all three. (Please accept my congratulations if you are partnered with such an individual and remember to treat this beautiful and sacred trifecta with care.)

You are not “stuck on earth” just for the ride; you are here to make choices and learn from the results. The experience of human life is an important step in your journey toward self-mastery and enlightenment, not a prison for your soul until you begin to plan your next life. What you learn during this lifetime will directly impact all your lifetimes to come.

As Melchizedek has said to this scribe, Tough love is still love.She understands the need to maintain her quest to serve our realm, even though a number of friends are no longer actively supporting her in fulfilling our requests of her. This is not a topic I wish to discuss further. I would like to return to the pearl for a moment.

Remember your Divine Source Energy is much like an oyster. It is willing to be outwardly unattractive to some, yet provide delicious morsels of nourishment to those whose palates are perhaps ever so slightly more discerning and adventurous. An oyster’s lining alone is breathtaking to behold, and some believe it to be the reason why a pearl is drawn to the oyster to rest. Of course, that isn’t what happens, but I would like to make another declaration, because it is important for me to share it with you today:

Remember the pearls of wisdom you have obtained over the years. Listen to those who have learned their lessons the hard way and trust that you need not undertake to correct the conclusion of an event that did not end as you had wanted. That stated, some might wish to rekindle an old romance because there was “unfinished business,” as you would term it. From our observation, many, many hundreds of people are sad throughout their adult lives because they missed the chance to make things right with someone who offered love to them at a time when they were unwilling to receive it.

Life is about taking chances, and then more chances, and then more chances. (Do you get my drift? I thought you would.)

Many who are masters of esoteric wisdom did not come to the point of enlightenment by pretending that the world was not undergoing hardship or struggle.

We are fully aware of what is going on in the world right now—so much so that we have collected on a regular basis to dispense our pearls of wisdom to those scribes who are willing to share them.

We applaud your bravery in facing the collective challenge that the COVID-19 outbreak is presenting. Many of you will thrive as a result and feel a sense of renewal within because of undertaking to align with us to receive the pearls of wisdom we are seeking to offer.

Please regard this time of awakening as the precious oyster that it is. Pearls will be revealed.

That is our promise to you.

I Am Ganesh, and it has been my pleasure to come forward this blissfully peaceful Sunday morning.

~ Channeled March 22, 2020

Scribe’s Note: please visit my public Facebook page for more pearls of wisdom from the ascended masters and archangels, among others. Namaste.