Welcome! 🌼

If you were guided here, your soul has been whispering to you and your heart has been calling out to be heard.

There is no law saying that a new beginning can’t occur upon awakening. In fact, as Andromeda recently mentioned, “As each day is a new beginning, so is each day an opportunity to create an even better life than the day before.”

I have a number of blogs to upload, but have been guided to start off with a channeled conversation that I transcribed just over two years ago that deals with shifting perspectives. The metaphor of a brick plays an important role. While the blog refers to a single brick, the photo I was requested to upload contains a trinity of bricks that originally formed part of the front entryway to my maternal grandparents’ old home and was obtained mere days before its demolition (which I never would have discovered, had I not been guided to go for a walk in their neighbourhood). Maitreya mentioned, “The importance of the trinity is that it represents the union of mind, heart, and soul.”

Part of my role as a medium and scribe is to delve into my inner archetypal realm while simultaneously communicating with the next realm. It is my sincere hope that you find these healing messages beneficial. Namaste.

“Only in silence will man hear the echo of his heart’s longing.”
~ Sheridan Cooke, A Tryst of Faith
