“Today’s title is self-explanatory,” Archangel Michael said. “And we hope it speaks to those who are in need of an extra dose of TLC, as it is often termed. Do not lower the volume on your inner cries for help, for we are here to answer those cries. All you need to do is ask and trust that the correct answer will be provided. If no answer is received, trust that silence is what is needed most. As our scribe has mentioned on a number of occasions, ‘Only in silence will man hear the echo of his heart’s longing.’ This statement is included in A Tryst of Faith, which is to be published later on this year. The book contains channeled messages from our realm, interwoven with a woman’s journey of awakening and reconnection with her inner child. Trust that you are being provided with today’s lesson as a gift from the Elohim to assist you on your journey of awakening and reconnection with your own inner child.

Do you feel your soul is tired? Perhaps it is your inner realm that is simply seeking an answer that you have yet to provide it. We hope the exercises included with today’s lesson teach you how to honour and nourish yourselves, without attempting to rely on anyone else for the freedom your inner child might very well have been asking for all along.”


A clear, centred idea of the crown chakra may or may not include an actual image of a crown to serve this purpose. We would like you to envision this now. Encircle this crown with a band of golden and violet light, pulsating with a soft glow of white directly above and around your entire auric field when you feel focused enough to take this light and comfort yourself with its soothing presence. There is no need to do anything except enjoy this exercise for a minute or two. When you feel a sense of completion, it would be worth your while to take a pen and paper and jot down any anomalies or imbalances that you perceived while you were doing so, or areas where you sensed a bit of resistance. Did you feel any fluttering in your stomach? Did any specific memories come to mind? Were you aware of your body or did it seem to temporarily disappear while you focused on allowing yourself to be a light being? Trust that this weightlessness is precisely how merging with your soul feels when you are transitioning to the next realm, which you do each and every night when you drift off to sleep.

This is a simple exercise which can be performed as you begin each day, allowing this etheric crown to remain firmly seated, feeding your auric field with additional gold, violet, and white light whenever you feel a sense of tiredness or simply want to feel calm and soothed. To the extent that you have been experiencing a sense of heaviness, trust that you are reading this message because your inner realm is tired of carrying around a burden that is no longer needed or wanted.

Remember there are various spectrums of awareness that you can feel at any given moment. While the desire to feel energized might seem counterintuitive or, rather, contradicts the desire to feel calm and soothed, at no time is the desire to feel angry likely to come to the forefront.

Now, we would like you to sit for a moment in this Divine Presence, being that we are overshadowing you and are directly with you at this time, and ask us a single question. You do not need to write it in the comment field below, but allow it to nestle in your third eye area and send an extra burst of light to this portion of your forehead before picking up your pen again (that is, if you have set it down), and jot down any disconnected images that come to mind. That stated, you might very well have viewed a vignette of sorts or be taken to an area within your vast repertoire of acknowledgment, as our dear friend El Morya likes to refer to it—and will for quite some time, for that matter—and send a mental wish of gratitude to your soul for cooperating with this brief exercise. If the “answer” (such as it can be defined) was an inner feeling or knowingness, expressed by a brief flash of clairsentience or claircognizance, trust that that aspect of your intuition is likely to be stronger than clairvoyance. All this declared, you might have heard a song or a whisper or even a single word. If that was the case, then clairaudience is likely to be the dominant gift that you were given. You might be fortunate enough to receive a series of images, sounds, knowingness, and inner feelings gently blended together. Your soul knows precisely what is needed.

Some sounds—if they come through as voices, that is—may be distinctly different from your own. While no soul is male or female (as the human body is defined), the dominant force or energy that is immediately presented might be masculine in nature. Some claim this to be the “voice of God,” thereby insinuating that the term “God” continues to be defined as male. It might well be that your inner realm needed an influx of Divine Masculine energies to ameliorate any discomfort that has been felt. You might have been taught that the Divine Masculine is the only thought you are supposed to hold when the Godhead is presented. Please try to expand this idea to include the Divine Feminine, which could be collectively defined as Father/Mother God.

To recall the Ten Commandments as they are known includes the recommendation that a person honour his or her Mother and Father. We are consciously reversing the order in which they were presented and would like this commandment to be condensed for this next exercise, particularly if you have a “beef” (as we have heard it termed) with one or more parent. It may well be that you only grew up with a specific parent and the other was either completely absent or emotionally unavailable. Were you to write a letter to this absent parent (either holding onto it for safekeeping or disposing of the letter by burning it, which is energetically purifying), what emotions would come to the forefront? Would you ask the parent why abandoning his or her child was never expressed with an apology later on in life when the sudden recognition of this emotional betrayal instantly came to mind? While this might not happen until his or her life review, you can be certain that it will be (or has already been) brought to this parent’s attention for a brief discussion, during which time your emotions—yes, yours—were briefly felt and known and acknowledged to such a complete degree that there would be no way an escape route could be provided. “This is what [he or she] deserved,” an inner cynic might declare. An inner sadness might also be simultaneously experienced, followed a few moments later by a glimmer of hope, if not a complete and utter knowingness, of not being forgotten, no matter how many years have passed since this wound was experienced and stored within until healing was desired.

Some consciously delay their healing because they have not been provided with sufficient enough proof that they are worthy of being loved without fear or restriction, or a combination of trepidation, anticipation, or downright loathing, which compete for attention in various amounts, depending on how strongly this wound has been triggered by a person or an event, or both.

There is something that we would like to remind people of now, before the next section begins.

Your soul knows and remembers everything about you and everything you’ve experienced, right down to a single paper cut that may or may not have left a visible scar.

Emotional wounds are never permanent.

Emotional wounds are never permanent.

We have repeated this twice for those readers who are insistent that a wound is meant to be a companion (or wounds, as the case may be). If this applies to you, chances are there is no way you would want to part with this trusted ally because it or he or she is bound and determined to keep your inner child safe by protecting you from “love,” as it was defined by your own personal experience.

Let’s invite the martyr and victim into the light and see what they have to say about this brief session. Are they convinced that this ally was protecting you for your own good, but that the cynic might very well have another hidden talent that is a direct offshoot of emotional betrayal? Only you can determine what that talent might be, but if we could make a suggestion, perhaps it might be that reading people to a fault is so ingrained in your personality that you don’t notice the gift your soul has given. You could term this gift a “bullshit radar” or anything that makes your inner cynic feel a sense of empowerment. There is a proviso we would like to add to this scenario, however, and it is this:  the inner cynic might very well be bullying both the martyr and the victim into believing that your inner child will never be safe if he or she is ever exposed to love again, simply because past experiences were so predominantly negative. This is a mistruth that needs to be taken directly in front of the crown of light for a brief moment.

Imagine yourself as a Queen or a King and it was brought to your attention that a war had been going on which was intentionally hidden from your attention. Would you want this Queen or King to punish the interloper—or bully, if you prefer—for doing what came naturally? What if the punishment was meant to fit the crime, and the cynic was then told that, in order to make amends, his or her gift of unmistakable forthrightness could be an ally to the King, Queen, and inner child as a united front? What if the cynic’s actions served to continually imprison the child? Would you not want this child to be free?

You are all masters of your own domains, as well as mistresses of your own domains, and we are combining this, regardless of whether you currently identify with a male or female persona, because your archetypal realm will always, without fail, contain both, just as the Godhead will always combine the masculine and feminine nature of Source or All That Is.

“God” is a personal definition, and some will continue to reveal a preference for the Divine Masculine. Some who have been neglected or emotionally abandoned might refute the Divine Masculine or the Divine Feminine, depending on the neglect or abandonment expressed by one’s father or mother. Some have denied the Godhead altogether, yet expressed a belief in the soul in lieu of God, Source, or All That Is. Please understand that the soul can never be separate from that which created it.

Don’t overthink this, Dear Ones. We are simply here to teach you, both singularly or collectively, that the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine will continue to exist within, and will immediately show themselves when a presence of authority is required. On a spiritual level, this is never expressed as an authoritarian figure, and the cynic might feel the need to continue to rebel against any form of control or manipulation (as he or she might perceive it to be) because the experience of being controlled or manipulated was interwoven with “love,” as it was consistently or inconsistently provided.

Please expand your definition of “love” to include the soul’s all-loving nature. This could easily be added as a Commandment, and it might very well belong in lieu of the Commandment of “Thou Shalt Not Steal,” because, in essence, denying love is stealing joy and abundance and happiness and freedom directly from the hands of your inner child. Do you want to accuse your inner cynic of doing this or attempt to reunite any disconnections that might exist within for the sake of your inner child, who might not have been taught to speak up, speak out, or speak against the authority figures who created unnecessary and unwanted pain, hurt, or disappointment?

We are the Elohim.

We have not come here today to lecture you in any way. We have collectively decided to teach you this important lesson (although one might argue that lecturing and teaching are interchangeable, but your inner realm might already be standing at attention, craving the sweet truth that the soul has provided in this single lesson alone) simply because those of you who struggle with allowing love into your minds and hearts have yet to rebalance the truth within. This is not intended as an insult, for some mistruths are so firmly entrenched that it would take a bulldozer to tear them down.

Have you experienced a catastrophic emotional betrayal? Does this teaching apply? What is your intuitive nature telling you?

You have come here to learn various lessons through various teachers, all of whom lent a tidbit of wisdom to your soul’s chart prior to incarnating in this particular lifetime. It is our hope that you will continue to seek out the soul’s wisdom and hold its teachings at the same high standard your inner cynic holds everything up to its keen and observant eyes. Please do not turn a blind eye to the wisdom and knowledge we have sought to impart today. It is because so many of you are struggling that this lesson was provided.

You cannot capture light and claim it as your own, for light cannot be held without placing a restriction on its natural state of being. Please do not place a restriction on your soul’s freedom, for in attempting to do so, you are automatically limiting your own experience of the Divine Presence that will continue to exist within you throughout your entire life and beyond, regardless of how many restrictions or limitations you have consciously or unconsciously placed upon yourself.

Honour your Mother and Father in the form of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. They are with you throughout every waking moment, as well as the moments you are turning a blind eye to the Source that created your soul.

In the name of Freedom, Light, and Love,

We are the Elohim.

~ Channeled February 17, 2020