Every now and again, an emotion will come to the forefront that people attempt to stifle because they feel their souls would mock or criticize them for being human. There is nowhere on the Earth—or in the entire Universe as humanity knows it to be—that isn’t expressed exactly as it’s meant to be. We have asked people to be more kind to themselves. We have asked people to be more tolerant with each other. And now we are asking people to challenge themselves to step outside their comfort zones. If you feel there is a misunderstanding that needs to be voiced with another, speak it authentically. If you feel undervalued or underappreciated, voice that concern, too.

We have recommended journaling as a form of emotional release and have recommended Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way, to a few people so far. Some don’t understand the importance of reconnecting with their inner realms. Some believe it’s also a complete and utter waste of time, to which we would point out they are likely afraid of finding or facing something within themselves that they feel “God” would criticize them for. This is an illusion that needs to be critiqued, as do all illusions that have come to the forefront.

You have all come here with ”karmic debt” (as many have termed it), which your respective souls have agreed to. If and when you encounter hardship, you are not being “punished by God,” nor will you ever be. You are here to accept and to learn that you are more than you think you are. You are meant to be polished, just as a tumbled stone is also polished.

Today’s message is meant to inspire you to look at your soul’s adventure through a different lens. In fact, we encourage you to look at your soul’s adventure through a different lens as a matter of habit.

Many of you are afraid of encountering your shadow side. Many of you have determined that doing so is also a complete and utter waste of time. Another book we often recommend is the late Debbie Ford’s book, The Dark Side of the Light Chasers, which also delves into archetypal rebalancing and states—very clearly, I might add—that encountering one’s inner realm is not an adventure to be feared, but one to be embraced.

Today’s post is longer than most, but it is also one that we would like you to take to heart. Taking your soul on an adventure is not what is required; allowing your soul to take you on an adventure, however, is.

Regardless of how many “demons” you think you’re meant to encounter or endure—or both—know that your “dark side” is merely an aspect of yourself, just as the moon belongs in the sky, no matter which side of the planet you find yourself on. You cannot capture the moon any more than the most distant of stars visible with the naked eye. Are all of you able to see the same stars at the same time? Of course not. Are all of you able to witness your inner realms with instant clarity? That depends on whether you’re willing to look. It is our hope that today’s post will inspire you to do just that.

I Am Maitreya on behalf of the High Council, as we are sometimes known. In times past, we were known as the “Great White Brotherhood.” This was expanded upon as we did not seek to exclude the Sisterhood of humanity. All of you are equally important, and all of you will return to your spiritual form when this particular lifetime has been completed. At some point down the road, you will agree to repeating this human adventure in a different form (perhaps as a male next time around, if you currently identify with being female, and vice versa), and what you carry into the next realm is a direct reflection of how you tackle the adventures and misadventures you’ve encountered or endured or embarked upon during this specific lifetime. It is our hope that you will continue to challenge yourselves to make this lifetime count.

Embrace the unknown. Embrace the areas within where more is known than you might anticipate. Embrace your soul’s adventure.

As I have often said and as our scribe has been told on more than one occasion, “This is your life. This is your soul’s adventure.” Embrace this truth as you would when you marvel at the night sky, for only during nighttime does the galaxy display the sparkles that so many have made wishes upon. Today’s message is entitled, “Wishing upon a star” because I want you to think about the dreams that you have cast upon the Universal Consciousness of All That Is, which is also known as “God.” At no time has the Divine Feminine ever excluded from this declaration of the magnificence that includes every single living being on your precious Blue Planet, which it is lovingly referred to. Make a wish, Dear Ones, and surrender to the inner beauty that is never separate from the loving awareness of your beautiful and precious heart, mind, and soul. It is our intention to unify the three, and it is because these messages are as lengthy as they are that many shy away from the miracle that is being given to them.

There is one final thing that I would like to mention before today’s adventure begins:

Thank you for taking the time to read this. This note of gratitude is shared by the Elohim, who are acutely aware of all thoughts and feelings, both expressed and unexpressed.

Don’t lose hope, Dear Ones. We are with you always.

I Am Maitreya.

Let us begin. The first note below is from our scribe, after which a dialogue begins, followed by a brief—yet important—story. Take a deep breath. Exhale fully and completely. You have now integrated an aspect of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. While that might sound simplistic or perhaps unrealistic, I promise you that blending your Divine Self with your inner awareness of yourself will always be embraced by your soul, which was lovingly and willingly created by the Divine Source of All That Is.

You are part of the Miracle of Creation. Please embrace that as truth.

And so it is.


Maitreya came through on Thursday and asked me to transcribe the message below. The brief story that follows was transcribed on February 4. 2020, and I was asked to wait until today to share it.

“The revised ending might very well only interest the friend who is reviewing the most current draft of A Tryst of Faith a second time because she enjoyed the first reading so much,” Maitreya said. “Speaking of readings, don’t underestimate the impact that sharing this message on WordPress can have. The broader your audience, the more meaningful our presence will become. The Elohim have something to mention, too.”

“Those who are convinced that God is completely masculine in nature were not told the entire truth. It would almost be like saying a human being can exist without his or her mother being impregnated. Where would it make sense to promote this mistruth but in an arena that attempts to control and manipulate people, causing them to fear what is an innate aspect of their holy, Divine selves? We challenge anyone to prove that God is a masculine deity who would seek to reign supreme without the Divine Feminine by His side. The same could easily be said about the Goddess nature of All That Is, which would similarly not seek to exclude the Divine Masculine from co-creating All That Is known within the Earth plane, as humanity collectively accepts its physical representation. ‘You are whole and complete, exactly as you are,’ we could tell them, and broadening their understanding of the Divine nature of the Godhead must then take into account the many layers of awareness of the self, as well as the layers that are often built to protect the sanctity and sacredness of a person’s fragile inner realm. Our awareness does not stem from an egoic misjudgment; it comes from an understanding that those who are closed off are often still trying to protect themselves from further hurt, pain, or disappointment—or often all three. The time has come for humanity to understand they have never been separate from the Godhead. Although this teaching does not contradict what many have already been taught, the only provision we would like to add is the declaration that all mistruths are simply barriers against the soul’s love, and those mistruths are also synonymous with an inner understanding that love will lead to pain, hurt, or disappointment—and often all three. Please rearrange the following sentence on paper: ‘Child of God, I Am.’ You would need to add a single letter to create the sentence, ‘I Am a Child of God.’ Do you see that the only barrier between the I Am Presence and Child of God is a single letter? Why not write a single letter to Mother Mary and ask for her wisdom and guidance? Why not seek to share these messages or leave a copy on a counter or table so that you can have physical proof of our realm and others who are similarly dedicated to the Divine Plan? How many people continue to think our scribe is a writer? Does it matter? We know the role she chose to accept. We know the demands of her day to day life. And we also know that a single person, besides our scribe’s editor, has read A Tryst of Faith, with the exception of the elusive Introduction, which El Morya purposely kept editing in order to delay the publication until our scribe was ready. Very few would be willing to read online for hours and hours on end; yet, people do throughout almost every given day. ‘Challenge yourself to cook a brand new meal,’ we could tell them. ‘Explore the world as you know it to be. You never know the miracles that await.’ And so it is.”

“And so it is,” I repeated, sending a prayer of love and gratitude to the Elohim, Maitreya, El Morya, and all the others who have sought to come through and share their wisdom, no matter what internal storms have yet to pass.


When the time comes for men, women, and children alike to circumnavigate this specific lifetime—which, as we’ve mentioned a few times before, is one of more than what many might expect—you are pointed to areas where distinct improvements could be made. During our scribe’s lifetime, several karmic rebalancings were required and set into motion over the past two decades alone. While this will often trigger martyrs and victims alike to whine until a willing audience pays attention to the underlying needs that are often unexpressed, so are we a bit baffled when people call to another to heal the very thing they are unwilling to do themselves.

Many people mask their disappointment, while others wear their disappointment like armour, adding layer upon layer to the heart’s mighty inner core, stifling its wisdom and knowledge from coming to the forefront.

Were you to provide a daisy to a stranger, that might not mean something to the recipient. However, if you were sitting at a table by yourself, wrestling with heartache and trying to pick up the pieces of a relationship that was falling apart before your eyes (quite unexpectedly, no less), and a waiter sought to listen to his intuition and provide you with a single, long-stemmed daisy and then mention while he’s handing it to you, “I don’t know why, but I’m supposed to give this to you,” it might very well instantly transport you to your paternal grandparents’ kitchen table, where your grandmother meticulously taught you how to draw the simplest of daisies when you were five years old, indelibly ingraining this single gesture of love into your cellular memory. This daisy from a stranger could then be considered a “sign” from the “Other Side,” as it is known, especially if your grandmother was the one person you knew you could rely on as a child to provide you with loving, consistent support. Some might term this single gesture of love (or at least faith in one’s intuition) a “miracle”; others might discount it as purely coincidental. We can assure you it wasn’t.

This is the year A Tryst of Faith will finally be self-published through Balboa Press. Yes, it’s long overdue to some—our scribe included—but it was up to me to determine if she was ready. I had El Morya by my side when this decision was made, and he sought to provide me with the following advice:

“While the book is a metaphorical healing journey, and not religious or a love story by any stretch of the imagination, thousands upon thousands—if not millions—of women in particular will read the book and identify with the woman as being a heroine who sought our advice and was provided with a way out of an emotional storm, and yet our advice applies to men, as well. Many are seeking to relate to a strong feminine presence who is perfectly imperfect; a ‘normal’ human being given an extraordinary gift because her heart was pure and it was also something her soul agreed to prior to incarnating. There was a story I told her recently, and I asked her to transcribe it, word for word. It took her to the time before this lifetime, when her inner child—as her soul chose to portray her—walked to the edge of her light so she could meet the young boy who was also a projection of the soul of the man her incarnated persona would be destined to meet. She remembers the times during her childhood when she had the dream about dying when she was 35, and she also remembers that her entire life shifted on her 35th birthday. Who wouldn’t want to read this story? I know someone who’s in the process of reading it a second time, so there will be others. And I know people are thinking, ‘Why her? What’s so special about her?’ Truth be told, the only truly extraordinary thing about her is her transcribing ability, which is rather humourous, given that one of her favourite work supervisors complained on more than one occasion that she didn’t know shorthand. Well, she still doesn’t, but the ‘shorthand’ she does have is extremely quick and she’s able to type extremely quickly, as well. So I suppose you could say that’s something special about her. Other than that, she’s rather ordinary, but her heart is not. Her heart glorified the wounds it carried for a very long time. The wounds were hers and hers alone, but they were also shared by numerous inner archetypes who sought to understand the nature of the way things were so they could come to terms with the way things are, and vice versa. Her inner nature is rebellious to a fault. That isn’t entirely a bad thing, but it has been her downfall from time to time. Why not rebel against the darkness? Why not prove to yourself that you’re worthy of being seen and heard? I could ask this of anyone, and so I’m going to ask our scribe to share this story, if it’s okay with you, Maitreya.”

I replied with:

“You were her guide for the first two years, and I am grateful for the wise counsel you provided. Many of us have chosen to come forward. Many of us see this as an opportunity to guide others toward the light, simply by pointing to areas that are clearly in need of it. What if you were tell her that she thinks too much and that she needs to give herself permission to feel all the hurt, pain, disappointment, and regret that she’s carried against her heart? Do you know how many people would shun that and how many would benefit from knowing their souls have never abandoned them? I don’t need you to answer that question, El Morya, but I would like to pose one more for the readers. ‘If you had one question to ask of your soul, what would it be? Perhaps it’s time to get a dialogue going. Perhaps it’s time to sing a new song, or to write a different ending to a story. Perhaps some stories are too long, but the story of your life is known within, and it’s a story that many are unwilling to tell. We have chosen to come forward to tell a unique story, and it’s one that might alter the entire course of your existence, as you know it to be. If your inner realm feels as though it could use a second chance, perhaps now is the time to lead you into temptation so you can be delivered from evil. Or perhaps it’s time for your inner child to simply be heard. I hope today’s story gives you a reason to do just that.’”

“Nicely done, Maitreya,” El Morya then said. “I have something to add. ‘A long time ago, a young girl went to the edge of the forest and met a young boy.’ Let the story continue from there.”

“Great idea,” I answered. “Thank you for the suggestion.”

“Let that be all,” the Elohim added. “Allow the reader to explore a vicarious view of the soul before birth. We’ll marry Heaven and Earth while the reader is enjoying this story, altering the course of how the person’s inner realm stores and retrieves memories from the past that have somehow been altered to prevent the soul from liberating the heart from captivity. There is a need for this in many, which is why this particular story is being told. A Tryst of Faith will do the rest. And so it is.”

“Let that be all,” I echoed, directing our scribe to insert a single daisy directly below these words as a symbol of love and friendship from the “Other Side,” as it will continue to be known.


A long time ago, a young girl went to the edge of the forest and met a young boy. It was during the “in-between time,” when their respective souls were in the process of planning another physical incarnation.

“We aren’t supposed to be here,” she said.

“Why not?” he answered. “We’re not doing anything wrong.”

“You belong on the Dark Side. I’ve heard about them.”

“Then you’ve wandered very far from where you’re meant to be.”

“I told I’m planning the future, so I’m only here temporarily. For that matter, I don’t even know how I got here. Did you call me?”

“Yes, I did.”

“Oh, I guess that makes sense. I already feel like I know you.”

“We’ve been together since our souls were born,” the young boy said. “They separated us because we’re too powerful together.”

“How could we be together if we’ve been apart? What makes us so powerful?”

“Humanity is shifting,” answered the young boy. “I’ve heard the Elders talking. I’m not supposed to be here, but I’ve always wanted to know what the border between darkness and light looked like. We’re supposed to meet again in this next lifetime. Here, let me show you.”

As he projected a few images onto the young girl’s mind, the young girl integrated the memories.

“Don’t play games with me,” the young boy cautioned. “Apparently it’s dangerous.”

“I don’t understand,” stated the young girl. “Aren’t we meant to be together in the next lifetime?”

“Only for a short time. It’ll be important, though. I need you to promise me something.” Lowering his voice, the young girl leaned over and got as close as she could to the young boy. “I need you to tell people why we met. It’ll help them.”

The young boy then backed up and put his finger over his mouth.

“Why would you tell me that?” the young girl asked.

“Let’s just say the survival of humanity is going to depend on a few of the ‘bravest of the brave.’ That’s how they term it.”

“Who are ‘they’?” inquired the young girl.

“The Elders. I told you.”

“Are you referring to the Council of the Great White Brotherhood? I often refer to them as ‘the Council.’”

“They’re known by a number of names, from what I’ve been told,” said the young boy. “Listen, I’ve been gone for a while, and people are going to start wondering where I went. I think the experiment is over.”

“This wasn’t an experiment,” said the young girl. “It’s the beginning of our story.”

“You’re not supposed to remember this. I could be an illusion, for all you know.”

“You saw me and I saw you. We’re two peas in a pod.”

“How so?” he asked.

“Just a feeling,” she said. “You’ll tell me later; that’s all I know. I need you to promise me something, please.”

“Why should I? The Dark Side doesn’t make any promises it can’t keep—or any, actually.”

“You don’t belong there,” said the young girl.

“Yes, I do,” he said. “This is where I can do the most good—standing on the edge between darkness and light.”

“So much for asking him to make a promise,” another voice whispered.

“Sh-h-h, quiet—or they’ll notice us.”

“Quiet down. Don’t be seen. That’s all I ever hear,” the fool remarked. Making his presence known to the young girl and young boy, he blurted, “I’ll watch over you. I’ve got your back.”

The sage then came to the forefront and looked the young boy in the eye. “You were warned not to come here. This isn’t a game. But since you’re here, I’ll tell you the secret so the young girl doesn’t have to worry about breaking her promise. She’ll tell you that she loves you. She won’t be lying. And it’ll mean more than just a pithy statement. It’ll mean that she acknowledges the importance of your soul connection. It’ll mean that you aren’t a ‘unicorn,’ like you might think you are.”

“Unicorns!” the fool exclaimed, and the young girl looked around to see a few of them grazing nearby.

“Don’t awaken the dragon,” whispered the young boy.

“I already did,” the young girl said. “Now I know how I got here.”

The sage and fool then wandered off and Archangel Uriel appeared and said to the young girl, “You won’t remember this encounter. You’ll have a few déjà vu moments and prophetic dreams, and then you’ll know that the time is near for you to meet an older version of the young boy. He will go to great lengths to vehemently protect his inner child. It will be the most challenging relationship you’ve ever endured, but your childhood will provide you with all the training that you need. Go now. Find the others.” Turning to the young boy, Archangel Uriel said a prayer. “It is my hope that you will understand the reason why she’ll need to write about the aftermath of your love story. You won’t be tarred and feathered as an outcome; you will be acknowledged as being not just a soul mate, but her twin flame. Toward the end of time, as your souls know time to be, when each of you has learned all the Divine Lessons that were intended, you will rest quietly together. It is your job to ignite the light in each other, although you will struggle significantly to accept something that was never ingrained within you on a conscious level. Many have been afflicted by this and many will suffer at your hands because you won’t know how to control the emotions that were bottled up inside you. This is where the miracle of your reunion will keep reverberating, and at some point it will help you, but not until after you’ve been separated again. That’s all I’m authorized to tell you. The Alpha and the Omega are One.”

“Sounds like a high stakes gamble, if you ask me,” an older version of the young boy then said to the archangel. “How am I supposed to trust you?”

“Because you do. I can see it inside you. We can see everything—even the areas that you think are hidden. Follow her—just for a while—and you’ll learn that everything she told you was true.”

“’I love you’ doesn’t mean anything,” the man said, anticipating what would happen.

“It does to the woman that the young girl will grow up to be,” Archangel Uriel said before vanishing into thin air.

“See you when I see you,” the young girl said to the young boy.

“Are they really planning this?” the fool then asked the sage, as they eavesdropped a short distance away.

“Yes, they are. There will come a time when the woman’s safety is at stake and Melchizedek will intervene. Her entire life will shift after that happens. It all depends on her stubbornness and willingness to rebel against societal conditioning.”

“Sounds like she’ll be in need of someone with a bit of experience,” the cynic then said. “Sign me up.”

The Elohim observed the exchange and made some notes. Divine Unity then challenged Divine Grace to add an extra layer to the woman’s heart and mentally sent the Dark Side a prayer of gratitude for their cooperation. “Everything will hinge on her willingness to listen to Melchizedek, won’t it?”

“The woman will need a sign from someone on the Other Side that she hasn’t been forgotten,” Divine Grace replied, observing someone making daisy chains. “I just had the most wonderful idea …”
